
Do you believe what John Lear says about structures on the moon?

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This is a 10 min. Coast to Coast video....but you don't have to watch all of it to get the message.




  1. The moon is full of Helium-6, an isotope that could be used for cold fusion. I think it makes perfect sense. Also, where did the moon come from? Given it's size I don't see how it could've been captured by the Earths gravity. I think the Earth and it's moon were constructed to support life by alien race(s).

  2. yeh wouldnt surprise me, but i dont think there is breathable air on the moon that cant be true.

  3. Hey that cloud looks like a structure!  There must be some huge floating building up there!

  4. I'm not buying it.

    Did you see any structures? All I saw was natural landscape created by moon dust and impact zones.

    And how convenient that the informant is that alone makes his statement hearsay.

    And Mars had a population of over 600,000.......did they also locate the census bureau on Mars as well to back up this information?

    There has to be other life forms out there. But there also needs to be proof. And this guy is digging through second hand information and using it as a format to back his theories.

  5. I kinda wish it was true, but sadly no.

    It's all delusions including the Mars face. John Lear doesn't help himself by not providing any real evidence. He also insists that Venus is really inhabited by intelligent beings and NASA lied about it being too hostile for life! He claims 9/11 was arranged by NASA and Bush to allow the US to fund a war with aliens through selling heroin.

    I have more faith in Father Christmas lol

    I hadn't added the link to the interview about Venusians and 9/11. It's crazy stuff and you kind of conclude he's not a very well man...

  6. They look like perfectly normal natural formations. I think a lot of the problem is that the people purporting these things have not studied photographic interpretation, so they don't know how to tell the difference between natural formation and artificial structures. Either that, or they're running a con game on the gullible.

  7. I looked up more info on it and it could be possible. I don't know if you have ever read the conspiracy about our trip to the moon was staged. Well what if that one was staged to cover up the real one ehh? Also another thing to think about is if those structures are real and are ancient what if they where built by our original ancestors? There is a theory about space origins as well, its just something to think about...  

  8. I dont buy it.

    There are structures on mars, a face like symbol and pyramids. But to think some could be on our moon makes no sense.  

  9. He's being inventive. How could they do this in 1962 and not have the intelligence to airbrush their photos?

    This recording was so full of c**p it was hard to listen to. I love his explanation about why they had the Apollo mission. In my opinion they never went to the moon in the first place.

    This whole thing is stupid.

    I believe Ingo Swann's  statements about structures on the moon.

    That is just one more reason why I think NASA is c**p. If they already knew what was on the moon why did they task the world's foremost remote viewer? Doesn't make sense does it?

    Furthermore if they had that technology almost fifty years ago their shuttles are c**p! Why are they even messing around with them if they had that kind of technology all that time ago?  

  10. He was there. I don't see any reason why he would lie. Check out alien structures on the moon on you tube

  11. Actually... this is a great example of pareidolia, where the human mind picks out familiar shapes from random patterns of light and shadow. The answer to whether or not this was the case was answered with: "Take a look at it yourself!"

    Airbrushing seems to be a common claim, but I can't really see much to support it.

    Also, reversing the airbrushing can't possibly work. I've seen fractal reversal of originals which really just distorts the original. Doing it by hand? Highly suspect.

    Get some better evidence, John!

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