
Do you believe what you believe because you want to believe?

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Or do you believe what you believe because you know 110% it is true?

Whether it be religion, science, atheism, philosophy, politcs...




  1. I feel like with religion I believe because I feel that it is true, most science related topics make logical sense when explained, and other topics can be given thought.

    Though, I think people often only believe something because it makes things easier for them if it were true  

  2. I believe that I do.

  3. Man writes, evokes his own fate and destiny by his words, deeds and thoughts ...

  4. I only believe in things that I Know are true. Why else would I believe in them??

  5. I think in some cases.. "people" for example we can't handle the truth about them so we believe certain things about certain people. I think there's a quote in To Kill a mocking bird which sums up what i'm trying to say pretty well. Basically we give ourlves an alternative so that we can sleep easy at night.. or blindly even.

    For me religion is different. Nobody can tell us what to believe for certain ( well they can and that's when they are born into a religion and personally I think that's a supporting factor to the problems with it) Each of us can be honest to ourselves and whatever we believe in we should stick regardless whether it's what we want to happen or not.

  6. Like most everyone, I guess, I believe in reality. Not because I want to but because reality is all there is.

    Now, my perception of reality is altered by my preconceptions so I know that my opinions are not perfect.

    Reality must be honestly sought.

    I don't know how anybody can "believe" in something just because they want to.

    That would be like trying to decide whether or not you wanted to believe in gravity.

  7. I believe in what i know that  gives me the veracity of a thing. I believe it because i know the truth on it. It is a matter of learning on what you believe in. I believe not because i want to believe but the truth that supports on what i believe in. That for me, is the greatest basis of what i believe.

    Thanks for asking. Have a great day!

  8. beacause it is true 110%:)

    Truth is Truth!

    Truth is more powerful than anything in this universe!

  9. yes..but it depends coz sometimes you are forced to believe something even if you don`t want to.

  10. I believe what i believe because i know it's true, if you start to believe what you want to believe like can sure be easier, but it won't make it the truth.  

  11. Am I supposed to believe Sam sat on my chair because you said so.

    If I didn't see him, I don't think it happened.

    For you to tell me it did and me to agree would just be me believing what you believe.

    Because you saw him you think it happened.

    But how do you know it was Sam?

    Is it not possible for someone to look like Sam and dress like Sam?

    So how do you know it was Sam?

    Because he has an ID that says Sam and an address where Sam lives?

    But how do you know where Sam lives?

    Because he told you? Because you've been to Sam's house?

    How do you know that it's Sam's house? Because he sleeps there everynight?

    How do you know that it's Sam going to back to his house everynight?

    Who is Sam?

    1 plus 1 is 2

    everybody says so, the books say so, calculators say so

    But Sam just doesn't believe it equals 2.

    he think's it's 10. Why? that's just what he believes. I don't know why he believes, he just does. There may be a reason.  Maybe it does equal ten.

    Maybe Sally did see faeries. But aren't they non-existent? I've never seen one, everyone else says they've never seen one. But how do you know if you've never seen it?

    Sally is the only one who's seen it. And thousands VS Sally means she's crazy? But that doesn't change the fact that she believes they exist. She saw a faery. Whether she's lying or not is something we decide to believe or not believe.

    Everything is what you want it to be.

    I believe what I want to believe.

    And that's all that I believe.

    Whether someone else says this or that, you're still believing what you want.

    So i'm going to ask the yahoo question....

    how do you know what is logical?

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