
Do you believe you should only get married once in your life?

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Do you believe you should only get married once in your life?




  1. Ideally yes, but being realistic, people change, people cheat, circumstances change.  Given that you only have one life,it seems ridiculous that you would stay with someone if you are not happy.  I don't do the marriage thing - I have seen too many of my friends get divorced.

  2. You cannot generalize and speak in a lump. It depends on the individual circumstances of each person. One thing is the ideal and quite another the realistic case.

  3. From my experience you shouldn't get married at all, that way it's easier to split when they no longer keep their vows.... You don't need a ceremony and a piece of paper to show u love another person, and it's no longer a sin to 'live over the brush'.

  4. Yes, I did.

    Until my husband left me 10 yrs ago for his secretary.  I raised our two sons, who were 5 and 10 at the time by myself for 8 yrs.  Then two years ago i married a wonderful man who I only wish i had met years ago.  Since my boys are so old now, I am not going to start the whole baby thing again, but my new husband would have loved to have a child, and would have been a good father.  He says he is happy to have me and the boys in his life now and agrees that it is a bit late in life.

  5. I don't think it should be a goal to have more than one marriage, you're supposed to vow to love and honor a person for life, but infidelity and abuse breaks those vows and sometimes some couples should have never been together in the first place and if you've put all the effort you can give into a relationship and nothing is giving you results, then sometimes you have to admit it and give up. Though if it didn't work out the first time, I'd be willing to give it a second chance, but after that I'd really have to give my life an overview as to why I'm picking these wrong choices for me. I don't think I'd get married a third or fourth time, I'd be more interested in getting my own life together and figuring out me.

  6. To get married once can be blamed on innocence; to get married twice is the triumph of hope over experience.  

  7. No.  I was married once before.  I was young, dumb and in love.  Now that I'm older I wouldn't rush into marriage and I would make sure I read all the signs before I make the big leap

  8. Yes unless there is infidelity or abuse or a death. (i.e do not get a divorce because you couldn't get along.) People take marriage way too lightly anymore...

  9. No it depends on the situation.  If two people got married at the age of 22 but 5 years later one of them passed away then I feel the other person should be able to marry again.  If a person was to get married but the other is cheating,lying,doing drugs,abusive in any way or addicted to something like gambling or p**n and they divorced then the straight person should be able to get married but the other shall be punished and not be able to.  I also feel if a person has a child but abuses them and has that child taken away then they shall be fixed and not be able to have any more kids.  

  10. As a christian I do. But I am divorced and would marry again if the opportunity presents itself.  It would be great if we all did marry once and provided our children 2  biological parents, but our fast paced and complicated life in these here United States seem to disrupt that. My parents were together for 48 years and were very happy so I know it is possible.

  11. Yes, because when you get married you're making a promise.

    Although there are exceptions, i.e if the relationship became violent, forced marriage.

  12. Ideally, yes marry only once. But this world is not as plain and simple is it?? It wouldn't be fair on people who have been cheated etc before the commitment.

  13. yes definitely, as they say "someone out there is made for u", so how do people know who that "someone" is if they get married about 5 times, ive got a great husband and he is my first and will be my last, and he feels the same way about me.

    marriage is a huge committment, but unfortunately alot of people have a stupid row and just get divorced over it, its just a game for them.

    takecare hun x

  14. no

    because the first time was only a trial run, now i have it off to a tee.

  15. Marriage holds different values for people.  For me, I don't believe in marriage unless you want the legal and tax benefits from it.  I'd be fine just having a girl who loves me the rest of my life without some sort of "title" behind it.

  16. Not necessarily.  If my spouse died, God says I have the freedom to marry again, but I only have the freedom to marry someone who is FREE to be married (not a divorced person).   Blessings............

  17. Everyone should have a second chance.... Don't be so harsh... Now I've never been married even though my ex boyfriend proposed to me a couple of times. I do believe that people take marriage in a very light way and that's why I'll take my time before considering marrying. However, if someone married they usually trust their life and happiness on the other person and there are times that they end up miserable.. What do you do then? Do you stay in the marriage? It's a completely different matter if there are kids involved (then I guess even if you are miserable you should give your best shot to be an excellent parent and spouse). It's a really controversial topic but do think that everyone deserves a second chance!!!  

  18. Yes, it seems to be that way.  But  things  change.  But your faith usually wants it to be 1 and only.  But with 50% of marriages going to divorce is sure doesn't look like that....

  19. Yes! It's a commitment!

    Look at swans as an example.  Once they pair up they don't separate forever!

  20. yh i do im only gettin married once in my lifetime so i wnt be rushing into it  

  21. Because the only ones who benefit from marriage are women, I would say NO one should EVER get married. ESPECIALLY MEN.

  22. this is a difficult question:

    why once and why not many times?

    It depends on what you believe and the reasons to get married once or keep getting married and make merry in your life

  23. I sure do! I mean life isn't a fairy tale or anything, but vows should be kept for life.

    Now, if there is something that breaks those vows... like an affair or abuse... then that is one thing....

    BUT, when it comes to "Oh, he didn't do this for me so now I want a divorce..." I mean, no one is a mind reader and YES, marriage is hard work. BUT, the things we work hardest for in this life have the greatest rewards.

  24. yes, that what marriage is about. committing yourself to one person for life. you can't do that twice

  25. yes if your after having been married you couldnt pay me to marry again!

    if you touch a cupcake and get shocked do you still keep touching it?

  26. yes, unless your husband turns out to be a cheating pig or if your spouse dies way too early

  27. When I first got married, I told myself that I would never get married again because I was so focused on my vows.  Then when I found out my husband had cheated on my numerous times, I realized that I can't be single for the rest of my life just because I told myself no more marriages.  I deserve better and someone out there will want to be with me for the rest of my life.  I THOUGHT that was my first husband, but it wasn't and life goes on and I deserve so much better and so does everyone else who has had a failed marriage.

  28. Sort of.  It's like you are lying if you say all that stuff AGAIN.  But if the other person dies and you re-marry I think you're cool, ya know lying wise.

  29. Ideally yes.  

  30. i dont believe in divorce unless there is physical or emotional abuse. so in rare circumstances you may get married more than once, but i think people give up too quickly, and its sad really

  31. yes, well maybe. um thinking about it little more I'm a product of divorcee. so ONLY GET MARRIED IF YOU MEAN TO STAY MARRIED, WHY MARRY JUST TO GET DIVORCED. 1. IT WILL COST TWICE AS MUCH TO GET DIVORCED AS IT WILL TO GET MARRIED AND THAT COSTS ENOUGH. Just move in together save the money get a nice place have nice things. 2 you can  leave if the get violent or if they cheat.3 men and women can equally be horrible to one another.4 GET TO KNOW  WHOEVER THEY ARE BEFORE MAKING ANY SERIOUS DECISIONS. I say no to marriage

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