
Do you believed that water is not conductor of electricity?

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Do you believed that water is not conductor of electricity?




  1. No, I didn't believed that.

  2. water is a good conductor of electricity. but pure water is a bad conductor of electricity.

  3. It is.

  4. Well no kidding it isn't a conductor. It is the water that moves machines that we build which gives us power.

  5. Pure H2O, distilled water, is a very bad conductor of electricity. On the other hand of the scale salt water conducts electricity fairly well - the more salt the better it conducts.

    So it all depends on what kind of water.

  6. it is not the water that is a conductor it is the minerals in it that are

  7. Water itself - pure H2O, doesn't conduct electricity - it's an insulator.

    However, commonly we see water conducting because it has salts or minerals dissolved in it. These dissolved salts and minerals turn the water into an electrolyte - and it can now conduct. The more salts and minerals there are in the water, the better it conducts. So seawater would conduct electricity better than tapwater or drinking water would.

    Drinking water isn't entirely pure either - it has tiny amounts of salts and minerals dissolved in it. Distilled water is probably the purest water you could buy - but even it would probably still have tiny amounts of salts and minerals dissolved in it - but maybe not enough to conduct electricity well.

  8. It is. Everything is if you think about it. Everything has energy. Some produce more than others.

  9. no, i don't... i'll consider water.. they have some hydroelectric energy that can produce and supply electricity..

  10. of course it isn't, that's why i enjoy using my toaster while in the bath

  11. Water itself is a poor conductor of electricity.  It is the minerals in the water that increases its conductivity.

    "Water itself is not a conductor of electricity. In order for a substance to carry charge, two conditions must first be met:

       1. There must be charged particles within the substance (either ions or electrons) and

       2. These particles must be free to move It is true that in water (H2O) the discrete molecules are free to move, however, they carry no charge. "

    -but don't drop the toaster

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