
Do you belive he can win?

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Mc Cain did a good speech tonight. Do you believe he can win? Vote Mc Cain for President of USA




  1. Very much so, McCain now has more money than Obama. People are seeing how the media ( Yahoo included ) is trying to elect Obama and they dont think it's right. Obama says we are being too hard on our " Muslim friends " and that scares LOTS of people

    ( me included )

  2. His age might become a big factor for a lot of people, as well as choosing a little known political character has his VP.  Even with that this is going to be a tight race, but he does have a chance.

  3. I not only believe that he can but he will. Now that the conventions are over the real battle will begin. I believe Obama is going to have a difficult time convincing the uncommitted voters ( they are the ones he needs to win ) that he can deliver on all he has promised. His resume is really thin and I don't think it will impress most of these people.

  4. No he won't win.  His time is up and over.

  5. Yes I do-especially now that he has Palin on board.My first choice was Huckabee for pres.McCain is too much all over the board by himself. Now with Palin to give him guidance the team will be great.

  6. YES I think he will WIN !!

  7. I think he can win.  I don't know if he will but I think he can.  It will be interesting to hear the upcoming debates.   This is going to be an historic election for U.S. politics.  The U.S. is either going to have an African American president for the first time in its history or a female VP for the first time in its history.  Wow!

    My concern for McCain is that if he wins, he'll be 75 by the time he's in his 3rd year.  He already has health issues.  The stresses of the top job can age a person significantly and wear a person down  physically, mentally and emotionally.

    I'm impressed with Palin so far- but to lead the country should she have to?  Hmmm... maybe, maybe not.

    Obama has got appeal and charisma for sure and he might make a good president.   What bothers me about him is that he is trying to be all things to all people.  And that's just not possible.

    I think the election is going to be a lot closer than people think.

    I just hope and pray for the safety of all of the candidates because I can just see this as an opportunity for certain fanatics.

    Oh, by the way, my vote won't count.  I'm Canadian!  We have enough of our own problems. hehhehe

  8. Yes, I do think he can win. He chose an excellent VP running mate

    when he got Sarah Palin on board!

    McCain/Palin  '08

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