
Do you belive in Bigfoot??

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Personally, I think if he existed, someone would have shot one by now....




  1. There are new species being discovered every year and these animals may have been thought rumor and myth at one time, but now they are accepted as genuine animal species. The mountain gorilla, giant pandas and giant squids are just a few creatures we now know exist, but were once considered myths and legends.

  2. No way, I think that that famous picture of him is a total fake. If a person got that close to this monster, he would have been mauled.

  3. I do not believe in bigfoot.  

  4. Totally a lie.

  5. Many people are quite skeptical of bigfoots exhistance.  I honestly don't doubt it for a second.  There are many unexplored places in this world as well as animals that have never been proven to exist.  Bigfoot hunters as well as any one else who has came in contact with evidance have never came out with enough to prove that in fact bigfoot is real.  Man likes to make mystery for himself in order to allow for his mind to trail off and think of the possibilities.  It can't be proven to not exist so how can you say it doesn't?  I'm not scientist or anthropologist but I do know that there are man thing out there that are left untouched, unexplored, and unknown.  So chances are good for bigfoot to be just another missing piece to the puzzle.  An ape-like, bipedal, hairy man like creature with a tall muscular build who smells and his shy and knows how to hide very possible.  The truth is out there all you have to do is go and find it.  yes I believe in bigfoot, just as I believe in God and other things that people find fault with.

  6. That is assuming someone could get close enough to the creature to actually shoot it.There have been sightings of Bigfoot type creatures all over the world, particularly in the northwest and  south/southeast corners of the USA as well as in the Himalayas.

    The creatures living in the Rockies is the primary location for the beginning myth as well I believe that has the most sightings.

    Scientists have admitted that the swamp lands stretching from eastern Texas to Florida are so large that there could be a creature (The Skunk Ape, southern Bigfoot) living there and never be spotted by humans .

    Th Yetis in the Himalayas...there have been spottings of it recently s well, the area up there is to dangerous to have a proper investigation.The air is too thin and the temperatures too low.

    As well, governments of each state, while although not saying outright there is a creature in these areas, have put them on the endangered list and made it illegal to shoot and kill.

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