
Do you belive in ghosts/spirits and/or other paranormal stuff?

by  |  earlier

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If so, tell me why. Maybe if i get enough answers, ill tell you why i do.




  1. Yes, I do. I believe that their is energy around us that some can and others cannot feel. Instead of the crude word, ghosts, which brings peoples minds to halloween and whatnot, I would use the would Spirits. Why? What do you believe?

  2. I don't necessarily believe in ghosts, but I believe in spiritual energies.  I can sense these things (although in general, I can't see them most of the time).  I haven't developed this sense very well, unfortunately.  There are some things I see.  I remember on my second birthday (I remember all the way back to about 2 years old; I remember potty training, lol).  I was at my great-grandmother's house, and I saw a shadow move across the hall from my aunt's room to my great-grandmother's room.  We went there often, and when I was four, right after my great-grandfather died, I saw his shoes walking across the hall (that hall had ALWAYS creeped me out, and I was always trying to check things out to find out what I was I was feeling; my folks always thought I was jjust being nosy).  I asked my great-grandmother what she had done with his clothes and shoes, and she said she had them stored in the garage.  I didn't tell them, but the thought that ran through my mind was, "he's still here."  I have seen other things here and there, but usually all I can do is feel prescences.  This is why I'm not convinced of the ghost phenomena as much as entities of some type of energy.

  3. Of course I do.Have you seen my username.

    I believe in it because I've seen things,heard things,seen an orb in pics.

    Also I just got poked in the back by something I didn't see and trust me I wouldn't lie about something like that.

  4. It's funny you wrote this because I just finished writing this article about the same question. Check it out!!

  5. nope

  6. Kind of. Like if someone actually dies in their house, then I believe that's it is somewhat haunted I guess. And I have this thing about 3am, it's believed to be dead hour and if I'm awake past then I cannot fall asleep until 4am. I'm a little bit weird lol.

  7. well try lokkin on a mirror ther eyou can see ghost

  8. I believe in ghosts because I have experienced them.

    Some seem to be residual hauntings .Others are definitely spirits of the dead .

    Both of us have had a near death experience without aid of drugs.

    We have experienced ESP and other psychic phenomena.

    I am skeptical about bigfoot ,alien abductions,and ouija boards.And I believ astrology is 90 % bunk, and numerology  100% bunk.

  9. Yes. I do believe in paranormal phenomenons. Even if you don't, you have to admit that there is something in this world that is "related" to ghosts or spirits.

  10. Yes.

    They are examples of energy existing on different planes.  For some unknown reasons, the planes or dimensions sometimes rub up against each other.

    Ghosts, spirits, and paranormal sh*t is all very real.

  11. I believe in ghosts because of personal interactions with them. However, I remain unconvinced that they're the spirits of the dead.

    I have seen enough evidence to suspend judgment on most other things of a paranormal variety, excepting cryptozoological critters (werewolves, Nessie, bigfoot, etc.) because there just isn't good evidence being presented these days. Not to mention, the best evidence presented has been uniformly proved to be faked, falsified, or misinterpreted to be something it's not.

    Crop circles are real, but the question remains as to why they appear. There's no evidence whatsoever offered that explains them to a satisfactory degree.

    I believe in mediums, but I'm not convinced that they speak to the dead. Ghosts, yes, but are ghosts the spirits of dead people? Can we prove it? Belief is not enough. And there are so many charlatans out there who want to MAKE people believe, it's difficult to sort the real ones from the complete fakes. It's why I like EVP as well.

    I've seen firsthand evidence of other psychic phenomena, but nothing I'd consider solid proof of anything. Even the best abilities appear to work less than 80% of the time.

    I'm a skeptic, but unlike most who sit back and scoff, my aim is to get to the truth of matters, wherever that truth leads. I don't dismiss and then prove; nor do I t accept and then prove. I suspend judgment, and see where the evidence goes. That's the only real way to arrive at the truth of things.

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