
Do you belive in helping and giving for good causes? ?

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Someone sent me the below link in an email and I visited and the HI5 page listed on the page and see pictures of the kids and my heart just told me to give something. I don't know if it;s legitimate but $5 can't hurt me. Would you do what I did without knowing the kids or if it's true?

See for yourself




  1. No. I have a list of legitimate charities to which I contribute. I do NOT respond to e-mail begging letters, and I would NEVER respond to anyone asking for money for a cause I have not, personally, investigated.

    If you are concerned about helping of the best charities going is the St. Jude's Childrens Hospital.  You don't have to be Catholic or even religious to help people fight cancer in children of ALL relgions and of NO religion.  

    One of my newest favorites (and which I am trying to get my friends intrested in) is the new Children's Cancer Hospital, recently completed in Cairo, Egypt.....They treat ONLY children, especially children of the poor who have no other recourse.  It's a stunning facility and serves a REAL need.  

  2. I am very willing to help others if I can afford to.  I will not donate to anything online that I do not is for real or not.  

    As a lifetime member of the ladies auxiliary to the VFW in my area, I am always donating food for baskets, money for charities and cancer research.  I back any friend who does a walk for jerry's kids or any other good charity.

  3. The are many near you who need help also.  Don't just try to relieve guilt.

  4. Sorry....but no I wouldn't & I never view links.

    I give my time and my money to charities on a monthly basis that I have first investigated.

    I want to make sure the bulk of my money goes toward helping people & not paying people to help people.

    You have to be very careful....and while I didn't view the link pictures can be doctored.

  5. Nope. No one gets my hard earned cash. How will that help anyone?

  6. No I don't.

    I do not believe in fostering dependence or giving handouts.

    I believe in teaching a man to fish, not handing him a fish.

    I believe in education, not grants and charity.

    I believe in hard work not sucking the government's teats.

    Yes, 5$ doesn't hurt?  Maybe not, but only a fool gives to a questionable source.

    Case in point. Some of you may have been pestered by a special form of telemarketing the Police and Fireman's Olympics or some Police or Fireman related charity or something of the like. There is ONE business that is classed by the IRS as a FOR-PROFIT organization that basically dupes the public. Of say 50$ sent to the Policeman's Fund or Injured Fireman's charity, about 90% goes straight into the pockets of more-or-less lying thieves who are too lazy to work for a living and the Police and Firemen get a pittance.

    This is a con-game and most charities are con-games.

    Here's another one. You see starving Ethiopians on TV and Sally Struthers wants you to pay just 2$ a month for food relief. Sounds good until you realize the truth of what's going on. The refugees in Africa or the MIddle-East will see little or nothing of the millions of dollars that stupid Americans and Europeans give in good faith.

    At refugee camps, by the orders of the UN, no person in good health, and most come in good health and not starved, can get food until a doctor has certified that the person has reached the stage of malnutrition and starvation. These refugees that dummies like you want to help have to wait weeks before they've starved enough to get the legal handouts of some rice or c**p.

    Some cameraman films the more horrible of the emaciated children and some celeb like Sally Struthers holds some emaciated Ethiopian baby in her arms and begs you to help.

    Meanwhile Sally Struthers is paid over a million$ herself for being the propaganda spokesman for the cause.

    So who are you helping? The Ethiopians, the Sudanese or Sally Struthers to get fat.

    There are only a few legitimate charities worth giving to:

    The American, UK, and European Red Cross which incidentally was founded by Clara Barton an noted atheist humanist.

    The American, British and European Humane societies or equivalent.

    The United ***** College Fund

    [I like how the idiotic censor deleted the third word above.]

    And that's about it.

    Just about all the rest are nothing but money-making con-games and scams.

    I'm from Ethiopia. Poverty exists there, but not like people imagine. Ethiopia is as old a civilization as Egypt and you'll find in Ethiopia as in India great poverty along side of considerable wealth, and instead of mud huts in Addis Ababa

    you find high rise buildings, cars, trains, subways etc.

  7. Do you own research, find out where that money goes, who it is given to, what is done with it.

    It's only 5 bucks, but it's 5 bucks a militia soldier doesn't need.

  8. Well   you  should  check  into  the  validity  of  any  charity  as  many  scams  take  place  in   the  abuse  of  the  LORD  AND  HIS  TEACHINGS.Yes  we  are  our  brothers  keeper.Read  about  what   the  CHRISTIANS  did   in  the  book  of  acts.Everyone  sold  their  possessions  and  gave  to  who  ever  had  need.In  doing  this  they  made  one  class  of  people  co surviving.In  this  there  was  no  rich  or  poor.There  are  many  good  and  wholesome  charities  out  there  check  them  out  for  yourself.I'm    proud  of  you  in  your  giving.Even  if  it  was  a  scam   you  did  this  from  your  heart.Now  I  didn't  check  your  link  or  this  charity.It   probably  is  o.k  I  don't  know.What  I  do  know  that  from   the  love  in  your  heart  you  gave  to  a  need  you  believed  was  real.That  brings  you  treasure  in  heaven.I   thank  you  for  your  love  and  concern  for  your  fellow   people.JESUS    BLESS   THIS  YOUR  CHILD  FOR  HER  LOVING  TENDER  CARING  HEART  THANK  YOU  LORD.   THANK  YOU  ALSO   D'S

  9. I'm afraid i couldnt care less, they arent my children, i dont know them. Im not glad, but i dont care.

  10. I reinvest up to about 17% of my annual income in charities of differing varieties.  They are however ones I can verify personally and not just read about on-line, or watch a commercial about on TV.

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