
Do you belive in soulmates?

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Do you belive in soulmates?




  1. Yes, I do feel that there is one person in the world that fits perfectly with another.  I believe there's one person that when you look at them, no matter how many years you've known them, your heart melts.  I believe that there's one person, that when you kiss, there's no better feeling in the world.  I believe there's one person, that no matter how many annoying things they do, you still love them unconditionally.  I believe there is one person, who feels the same way you do about lots of things, but then can also notice your faults and help you fix them. And this person, would obviously be your soulmate.  I think you can meet your soul mate at any age.  I know people say that teenagers are too young to fall in love, but that's NOT true because love has NO age limits...

  2. Well, in a way. I don't believe that there is only one person out there for everybody, but some of us just get along better with certain people for some reason that we can't explain. So I guess no.

  3. yes, i do believe in soulmates

    help me with my problem;...

  4. Yes I do, but will i ever find him now that is a huge question mark  

  5. Yep.  Found mine.  He's a scorp male.  There was just this click for both of us on the first date.  We really connect on a level that neither of us have connected with another person.  We definitely had a rough road to go at the beginning.  We are such strong personalities and the timing was way off, not to mention it was a little scary at first because the chemistry and connection was SO intense for both of us (and not just because he's a scorpio).  But, life kept make our paths cross in the most unusual ways.  We finally reached a place where  the timing was right and we had both learned everything we needed to learn by being apart and everything just fell into place.  Sometimes you need to learn life's lessons before you can get your soulmate. Finding your soulmate is so amazing and rewarding!

  6. Wasn't it Monica in Friends, who said to Chandler after she met weird chef guy who liked cheese and matched her in every way, "I don't believe in soulmates. I believe you work hard in every relationship to keep it?" IDK, something like that.

    I think that's mostly right. I don't believe in destiny being this big, mystical force that controls us...I believe we control it. Every person, every relationship is bound to be a trial and we have the position on control of whether to decide if it's worth it or not. It just depends how you define 'soulmate'.

    Serendipity was a cool film but amazing, beautiful wonderful people do come into your life, you don't always expect them but it all rests on how you behave. So, whether a 'soulmate' exists or not is irrelevant really. It sounds quite idealistic and naive, to be honest.

    Matters is you have a person you love and you do the best you can, put in your all for every relationship. Whether it works out, that's what makes a soulmate. There's not big label, flashing sign to tell you that without knowing. Oh, unless you're referring to love at first sight, and that's something else...

    (sigh) Mi amor...

  7. I believe that a soulmate is someone that you're compatible with that you meet at the right time and right place in your life.  I think it seems unattainable because it pretty much means that person meets all kinds of hidden qualifications you desire, and you meet there's. Hella complicated to me.  But worth finding.  

  8. I believe that there's a very small number of people on this planet for everyone who would match perfectly. They could be living in China, who knows. I believe that there are a few perfect fits out there, somewhere in the world... and they are greatly influenced by astrology. Some combinations just work really well - add some experiences in life that makes people relate and you have something very much like a soulmate.

  9. yes....but I don't need's not always the best situation either....people think it's soooo great, but let me tell you all that it is overrated.........'soulmates' do not correlate to 'lifemates' or marriage partners.: D

  10. most positively with out a doubt yes.

  11. Nah.

    There's a h**l of a lot more than one person in the world who can make you feel a certain way.

  12. no

  13. I do believe in soul mates.......honestly, I believe that my fiance and I are soul is as if we were destined to meet...I know it sounds like some mushy love story - which believe me it is not but there are too many coincidences.  For example.....we are linked either by a neighborhood or people and we did not even know each other.......we met at work and in an instant, there was this bound - we were drawn to one another....anyway....we became good friends and had a lot in common - we share the same culture, have a lot of the same values....are both we fell in love but this is where it gets freaky....mind you...he was raised in Florida and  Manhattan - I was raised in Puerto Rico and the Bronx - I had never met him before he started working at my job -  After knowing each other for 1 1/2 years, we became a couple - I had a little gathering at my house...our families mother recognized his aunts husband - and asks the uncle if he knew so and so....which happened to be my father....his uncle and my father grew up in the same neighborhood......then my friend comes in - she lives in North Carolina but lived in the Bronx and grew up in the neighborhood I now live in - she hears my fiance's aunt's voice and tells her - your voice sounds so familiar - where do I know you from - then my friend realized that my fiance's aunt used to teach her little brother and she worked in the school that my son was attending.  His mother and my son share the same birthday.....we used to frequent the same movie theatre and eat at the same pizzaria because his grandmother had a sister who lived in the same neighborhood - my mother happened to move to that neighborhood and I used to visit there - Eventually, I bought my house in that same neighborhood, and his aunt who lives in connecticut gets her car fixed around the corner from my house......He worked at the world trade center as a guard - I used to go there in the mornings to shop...I must have passed him 100 times and never realized it....we could have even sat in the same theatre next to each other when we were younger not knowing that one day we would meet and fall in love.  It was like we were bound to meet one way or another.

    One time we went to have our palms read and we were not even a couple yet.....we were just friends...but the palm reader told me that he and I knew each other in a passed life and that we were soul mates.....In my head I was like yea yea okay...I know you are just saying that because you have to make this seem mystical but now I really think that maybe its not a coincidence - maybe he is my soul mate - maybe its fate......Serendipity.

  14. Yes, we will be destined to find that someone. I believe it.

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