
Do you belive in the Big Mac Index?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike here is a way to use it. It says the Rand is 16%under value if you do the calculation. It is a very good way of evaluating a currency. If you follow markets you will see it works.




  1. No, a country's currency strengh or weakness must be determined by capital inflows and outflows as well as it's balance of trade, when considering that South Africa is currently running a 9% of GDP shortfall on its current account then it should be assumed that the currency is in fact overvalued by perhaps 20% or more.

    The Big Mac index is more a reflection of buying power.

  2. I am a bit very stupid with things like that Barend, but one thing is for sure I would not by a Big Mac in Switzerland.......looks very expensive there to me.

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