
Do you belive in the paranormal and why?

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Do you belive in the paranormal and why?




  1. I think something is happening in my house. Little subtle things have been happening. First I saw a shadow person on Easter, another time I felt fingertips touch my hip area when no one was around, and just now i was getting papers out of my room and i felt my sleeve move. It wasn't a breeze type of movement, it was like someone pushed up my sleeve a little. It always happens when I am home alone. I also heard a chair move outside on our deck one day when no one was home. It only happens when I am in my room and home alone. Am I going crazy or could my house be haunted?

    I don't use drugs.

    I don't get scared and paranoid. I won't even be thinking about ghosts, I will be thinking about my day or my friends and all of a sudden something will happen.

  2. cuz i saw it on tv?

  3. No,because it's all silly.

  4. Belief in the paranormal is pretty vague.

    I believe that paranormal activity exists but there is such a wide range of what people consider the paranormal.



    2012 is coming - as it states in the Bible, the tenth planet-Nibiru will come back through our solar system and repeat what was stated in the Bible as "The Great Flood"...

    read up, do your own research, but the truth is out there...Below is a video that might help explain.  Only watch if your going to take this serious... and if you take your OWN life serious than this should be taken the same way.


    also check out


  6. Based on all available evidence, my personal experience and the explanations offered by true believers in the paranormal, I have not been compelled to believe.  This is a tentative position that is based solely on the evidence at hand.  Should the body of evidence change then so will my position.

  7. yes, because I see ghosts every now and then and have other strange things happen to me.

  8. Yes because I have had paranormal experiences

  9. No, because I have reviewed all the research that is out there for various paranormal claims and I determined that they don't come close to meeting the standards of scientific investigation. In fact, such extraordinary claims would actually need a greater standard of evidence in order to be convincing enough to overturn the current understanding of physics.

  10. I died and i came back. Woooo!!!


  11. No I don't believe in the paranormal

    Reasons why I don't believe in the paranormal:

    -I'm not g*y or fat

    -I have a life

    -Have kids to take care of

    -I've served in the marines

    -Don't put up with bullshit


  12. Yes. I have had some strange things happen to me. REALLY weird things.

  13. i see dead people.

  14. Yes, I sure do...I also see things in my visions that can't be explained...

  15. Yes....because a lot of stuff happened to me. If it hadn't ..I'd be one of the ones on here who says..I my unbelief!

  16. yes, i've had encounters with them

  17. I see allens.

  18. TOTALLY!!! I luv it! It's the most fasinating thing for me. Although I call them spirits, not the " paranormal". I have taken the time to learn everything about them  and if you need hep im there for you. I was born at th time range for people who can hear ghost. Soooo I hear things ALOT. I Beleive!!

  19. Nah... I think its just a way for people to feel special and to deal with the unsettling reality that we are all going to die.  It's comforting to think that we won't really die.  But it is what it is.

  20. yes i believe because I too have encountered many unexplained events. Ghosts are nothing more than restless spirits. If you believe in the theory of a "soul", then it should be hard for you to dismiss ghosts. They come to you in dreams, in blurry images in the night, and even in your feelings. To simply believe that we live our life to die and start over....not remembering our life's lessons...or to simply drift into a dreamless sleep for eternity is not what my God (which may or may not be the same as you) has intended.  Do not take my words as some religious blah blah blah because I am not religious.  I am against organized religion and a system that dictates how you should interpret their book.

    Ghosts are here to remind those of us who believe in them that there is more to death than chiming harps and men in dresses.

  21. Yes, because of the countless events in my live and those currently unfolding.

  22. No, because it's all made UFO's and Jesus.

  23. I do not believe in the paranormal. I should not have to say why, since I am not locked up in a mental institution, at this time.


  24. Is this a "Miss Universe" question? hmmmnnn...

    Yes I do believe. But not so. Just half. LOL. Sometimes it's normal and sometimes it's not. So that's the way I think about it. Nevertheless we are the one to shape our future so it's our responsibility to make its right or wrong. Just have faith. Have faith above and to yourself. Pray always!

  25. yes, My house is full of ghosts.

  26. Yes, because I see dead people too!

  27. i do. i saw things that could only be described as paranormal. i also will vow until death that i had a visit with my late father. someone saw me interacting with him but they did not see him. i am sane, even passed a physc. exam for a license to carry a gun!!

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