
Do you belive that a person can be so selfish to think that global warming is just a bunch of B.S?

by Guest32775  |  earlier

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Do you think that someone who cares about the enviorment can be so serlfish to want to let global warming happen because it is not a big deal and they are to lazy to walk plaCES? What do you think ab0out global warming?




  1. it is bull .  i toss cigarettes out the window everyday too just thought i should add that

  2. CO2 concentrations are on the rise - fact

    humans are responsible for it - maybe?

  3. they might not care about it. thats their opinion. They can think whatever they want

  4. I think it's selfish to make people pay billions in added taxes for a completely unproven theory.  

    If CO2 were really a danger to the environment wouldn't they ban carbonated drinks by now?  It's so stupid that it's not even worth arguing about anymore.

    Anyone who really believes humans cause climate change ought to check into the psych ward or at least get an education and leave us alone.  I'm so sick of these busy-bodies trying to tell everyone how to live their lives when they don't even have a clue of the facts.

    Thankfully, people are wising up to this AGW scam.  The number of people who still believe this nonsense is steadily shrinking as more and more people wise up and become more knowledgeable about nature and science.

  5. well, there are actually people in the world who think the Holocaust during WWII didn't really happen, that concentration camps killing Jews is a myth. so i guess some people just live in their own little dream world. so same thing with global warming. it's there, animals are dying, iceburgs are melting, land masses are going underwater at the shores, whole cities are having to change what crops they grow and where they live due to rising temps and water. but hey, it could be all a hoax, right? people are strange.

  6. i think it's a load of c**p. But we DO need to watch our pollution. We emit nasty fumes, sure, but most of it doesn't really reach the ozone layer. And in fact, every time there's lightning in the sky, it replenishes a little bit of the ozone (something about how it splits atoms and O2 or something...learned it in science sophomore year.... :-/  .... )

    yeah, when people are all "AH GLOBAL WARMING" instead of "AH! PEOPLE ARE STILL DYING AND KILLING EACH OTHER IN IRAQ!!" It really makes me mad. Sorry.

  7. Do you believe that a person can be so selfish and arrogant that they they infer others must share their beliefs?  I do and we have a specific term for them.  They are called bigots.  In case you don't know the definition of the word, I will list it for you.

    big·ot (bÄ­g'ət)  

    n.   One who is strongly partial to one's own ideology, group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.

    The science is not in.  Man being the cause of global warming has NOT been proved true, beyond a reasonable doubt.  Consensus means nothing and beliefs are irrelevant when it comes to global warming and you would do well to recognize that.

  8. Most of you are too young to remember the times in the seventies when the mantra was about the forthcoming second ice age, and the need for the developed countries to revert back to the stone ages so that the planet doesn't freeze.  (Emissions from industry were supposed to bounce off the sun's heat before reaching the earth).

    Most westerners support these global warming measures because they've been dealt a guilt trip.  If they impose more severe restrictions, industry will move to China/India etc. where nobody cares two hoots about global warming.  So your ton of steel that would be produced responsibly in Ohio will be made with a lot more pollution in China and shipped to the US.  At the same time we in the US will be paying off some clown like Mugabe in the cap-and-trade swindle that rewards African countries for being non-productive.

  9. No but I think people can keep a hoax alive even if they know  for a fact that it causes the premature deaths of thousands of people per day mostly children. Greedy people who profit from this hoax which costs society trillions of US dollars per year. Think about it. Are you one of those responsible?

    Some of the answers here are scary! Are people so stupid that they believe anything. It's as if they failed 1st grade. Hurricanes caused by global warming. How ignorant!! Every scientist since Katrina has debunked this myth. Flooding, sorry to inform you but there is not flooding when the weather is hot. Every reputable scientists attribute the flooding in the Midwest due to a cooling trend. Ask your friends the polar bears what their thoughts are on global warning. Their population is at an all time high  If fact Winnie the Polar has just put up millions to preach birth control to his fellow bears.

    Let's finally give this hoax its well deserved burial  before millions more are killed (humans mostly children) while we waste our time trying to play god and become so arrogant to think we can control the weather. Blame you next door environmental wacko for gas being 4.65 per gallon. Thank you

  10. Its not selfish to challenge science.  Its how science functions.  Even though I believe in gloabal warning, I do remain open to the idea that we may be wrong. As far as conservation, even if global warming is off the table we still need to conserve our resources and find more efficient ways to do things.  Thats just progress.

    We don't have to stop living to save the environment.

  11. I don't like it when people think global warming is totally caused by human pollution and deny or minimize the effects of natural climate shifts. I admit we should reduce our pollution but the idea is not to stop natural cycles but to live with them.

  12. yes .same person can be.

  13. Just because I don't believe in GW doesn't mean I'm selfish. It means that I am unconvinced by the current theory and thus do not want to spread what I deem are lies. This does not mean that I want the earth to be polluted- in fact, I do not like pollution at all and would love it if more of nature was preserved and not sacrificed to new shopping malls.

  14. People Who don't care about the earth are just Fu*king lazy... and stupid =)

    sure i love the warm weather but many animals are dying...and plus... hurricanes, floads and other storms are coming more often because of global warming... if we don't take care of earth...Earth Will have it's revenge by natural disaster

  15. I think if you believe global warming isn't really happening you are what the french call do you say a "douche"!!!

  16. Haha, I think its a load of bs, funny thing is I actually researched the reasons why it should be taken seriously, Funny thing was i wasn't always against it, i poured many draining hours of my intellect trying to convince people that it real something must be done. But then i saw what it truely was. I've done the math, and stick with my answer.

  17. I have read many weather experts reporting that weather cycles around.  They do not agree with all the publicity revolving around global warming.  this is not my own opinion, it is from some pretty high-up respected weather gurus.  I will try to find a report and put it on here.  Just because mass media reports on something that doesn't make it true.  Never trust the media --- unless they are finally going to be honest about reporting what a creep Obama is and what a frighteningly terrible president he would be.  then you can believe it!  As a matter of fact, if the media reports something, believe the opposite!  Remember all the Y2K c**p they dumped on us?  nothing, absoluely NOTHING happened to our computers and our world.

  18. I care about the earth, but I do not believe in this liberal BS global warming.  The earth naturally heals itself.  The Ice Age and the warming afterwards were naturally occurring, so why isn't what's happening natural now?  It's part of the life cycle of the earth.

  19. People believe what they want to believe to fit their own values.  If some one likes driving an SUV that costs over $100 to fill up every other day, that's their choice.

    It's the same issue of people not believing evolution is true...many people don't want to know the truth because it conflicts too much with their own values.

  20. Well, I don't know if selfish is quite the right word for most of the skeptics.  Concerned about the economic and political consequences might be more accurate, but there is certainly a 'lifestyle' component in the concern that one could ascribe to thinking of big houses and big cars as an entitlement regardless of the potential consequences to the environment.

    There are a few people here at Yahoo Answers who have responded to the issue of GW/AGW with an 'I don't give a d**n' attitude, even implying that they will consume more just to p.o. the GW proponents.  That's definitely selfish.  And immature.  Those are the ones who will be most likely to end up causing loss of liberty and choice for the rest of us.

  21. Maybe they are in denial and are afraid of what might happen in the future. Or they probably think that ...its no big deal if they don't do their part in helping the environment because they are only one person.

    I'm super scared...but I don't really do anything to stop global warming...I know walking places is something I can do..but I know it won't prevent global warming from getting worse...I try not to think about it.

  22. humanity is naturally selfish.

    it both explains our survival thus far and our imminently possible extinction.

  23. it is a bunch of BS


  24. no the earth naturally heats and cools, global warmning is not the biggest problem this county faces... NASCAR IS FRICKIN' AWESOME

  25. An educated person KNOWS its B.S.

  26. Yes $$$$$$$

    The Real Story

    It's the story that everyone is trying to bury. It's the story that everyone is trying to spin. It's the story that the media doesn't want you to know.

    It's The Real Story:

    Offsetting Your Guilt

    One byproduct of the global warming mania is what I like to call the "Green Rush." It's kind of like the gold rush, except this time, everyone is trying to spend a fortune instead of making a new one.

    The most obvious example of the Green Rush is the whole "carbon offset" phenomenon. This is usually where people who don't want to personally sacrifice instead decide to just give money to a company that does something - whether it's planting a tree or saving a polar bear - to offset their CO2 emissions.

    While that sounds like a great idea in theory, the Real Story is that while these offsets may make people feel good; they often don't do much good. For example, it's become stylish these days to say that you've "gone green," so last year the Academy Awards decided to give each presenter and performer a statue that represented an offset of 100,000 pounds of carbon, which they said was the amount of emissions for a typical Hollywood celebrity in one year.

    Sounds great -- except that when you follow the money, you see that it went from the Academy, to a third party company called TerraPass, to a variety of projects, one of the largest being a garbage dump in Arkansas. But here's the problem: that dump instituted a program to cut their methane emissions years ago -- way before TerraPass ever started giving them any cash. So the extra money isn't "offsetting" anything, it's just lining the pockets of the dump's owner, which happens to be Waste Management, a $3 billion dollar company.

    In fact, when Business Week did a story about this last year, they called the developers of six projects who had received money from TerraPass. Five of them said that they were doing the projects anyway; that the offset money was just, quote, "icing on the cake."

    I've said this before but I want to say it again: I care deeply about our environment. I believe we all have an obligation to leave this Earth no worse than we found it. But I also believe that the hysteria over climate change has created a situation in which well intentioned people are being easily separated from their money. After all, for companies that aren't so well-intentioned, the "green rush" isn't really about pollution; it's about profits.

  27. There are many people who believe global warming is a bunch of BS.  As for me, I have seen to much evidence that tells me it is very real and I am convinced we must act now to reverse it by seeking cleaner forms of energy and moving away from burning fossil fuels.  Incentives such as grants and tax breaks need to be implemented to encourage industry to take measures to reduce emissions and convert to clean energy.  Sales tax holidays on "Green" vehicles such as hybrids etc. would be a great fix too.  Can't afford to buy a hybrid?  Here's a simple thing we can all do to reduce greenhouse emissions.  When you stop at your local mini mart for a cup of coffee on your way to work (or whatever the case) turn your engine off.  This may not seem like much but if we all did this it would add up to several tons of greenhouse emissions that are not going into our atmosphere.

  28. OVERPOPULATION is the root of all the problems. Stop having children.

    Fewer consumers means fewer byproducts.

    Having children is the MOST SELFISH act anyone can perform.

  29. it is

  30. exactly what you are saying!!!

    it hurts to see people not care about their home. its the only one we have. why ruin it when we can save it just as easily

  31. However selfish it might be for me to want to live my own life they way I want, it's more selfish of you to want to dictate to me how I will be allowed to live my life.

    And just because I don't want to live my life the way you live yours doesn't make me "lazy."

    Honestly, are you so bull-headed that you simply cannot accept that people are different from you?

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