
Do you belive this?

by  |  earlier

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Watch the Paranormal video of the week on the link

Skip to 4:18 and watch it do you belive it and if so is it riged it seems fake but you decide...

Or real I believe it what do you think




  1. At first I thought it was a real occurence but I looked up Teresa Fidalgo on the web and I found an article saying it's fake.

  2. Ive seen it before...its taken from an urban legend, of a girl hitch hiking, and she is already dead, but wants a lift back to her mums house, they picked her up outside the cemetery......

  3. no... it was  pretty cool though

  4. Wow, it's hard to say if it's believable. Many people like to fake ghost videos so anyone knowing the people would be likely to know the actual truth.

    I'm part of a ghost hunting group and we've only seen an apparition once and only for a second. It was a large group and we all saw the same thing.

    Now, once when I was driving downtown on a very windy day, I saw an elderly woman struggling to walk against the wind. I picked her up and gave her a ride. She smelled very old and not very good. She spoke only in a whisper and as we drove, she pointed out buildings that I knew but told me of their history. I'm a newspaper photographer and had my gear with me.

    She asked me not to take her picture, which of course I hadn't planned to as I was just giving her a ride. I dropped her off in a neighborhood on a sidewalk where she asked to be let out. As I drove off, I didn't see her anywhere. It was only a second after I left that she'd disappeared.

    She was solid and not an apparition. I don't know if she managed to make it into a house quickly but the two houses were converted law offices where I had dropped her. So I have no clue whether she was a ghost or not but it was an interesting experience.

  5. well now I will leave the lights on all night.

    Happy Halloween.

  6. I believe it is wonderful that Urban Legends have come into the digital age of fake videos.

    This is known as the "Vanishing Hitchhiker" (this is but one version) and is fully described in the book of the same name by Jan Harold Brunvand.

    Knowing Folklore and Urban Legends is a very good idea for paranormal investigators so they can recognize when such a story is being reported to them.

    I have investigated many urban legends including the rail road tracks (ghost tracks) in San Antonio, Texas and Rebecca in Cloudcroft, NM.


  7. that is so totally fake....

  8. Has nothing to do with believers or not, It is not a real event.
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