
Do you belong to a good group?

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I am missing some. They may have left because of something . I hope they don't forget the good parts and other people. Kat C




  1. Yes I do, my best friends live in that group and we speak daily.We support each other and share our lives and laughs and good recipes too.

  2. This is as far as I go!!!!  No time for any more!!!

  3. Yes I do.  But sometimes I need my "alone" time. Even though I check on them every day, I miss my group.

  4. Yes.... Owned by raccoons..

  5. Yes, I do and I enjoy chatting with the other members. As in life folks come and folks go, sometimes we never really know why. Those friends who hang in there with us though are all the more precious to me.---Luvs

  6. Like Woody Allen...I wouldn't belong to a group that would have me as a member.

  7. Group of what?  I belong to a great group of people from my church. We are members and a great group.

  8. nope i do not belong to any groups i am too much of  an individual!!!

  9. No. I'm an independent and proud of it.

  10. No, but I think I have gotten to know many and feel a part of the senior section.

    I like to come and go as I please.

    I have been that way all my life.


  11. I think that I belong to a very good group.  It seems that we all get along and are friends across the miles.  I may not post often, but I do try to keep up and no one is ever forced out.

  12. Group of what?  I hang out sometimes online with fans of an old television show that I especially like.  They have several Yahoo Groups. We have fun.  As an Atheist, I don't go to church; but, I do volunteer work at this community center and hang out with the people there.  I wouldn't hang out with any of them if I didn't see them as good.

  13. Yes two.

  14. hi . nope . i have no groups . maybe i am just too new here .

    i can e mail people if i really want to ask or talk to them about something and for me that's worked great .   take care .d.

  15. I don't belong to any group. I do what I do as an unique individual. The day I start conforming to group ideals will be the death of me.

  16. I belong to a group that discusses books, those we love, hate or those we wished we loved or hated or we love the books that no one else likes or why we like certain books. You get the idea.  

  17.   Yes. I do  if the group is getting small just feel free to invite others in. You know the more the merrier

  18. Yes, I belong to some great Yahoo groups!!!!!!!!!

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