
Do you blame miley cyrus's stupid behavior on her, or her parents?

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she is a very stupid boy. who would you blame her actions on?




  1. i would say both:) Miley is an idiot for doing those things and her parents are idiots for letting her do those things and letting her get away with it:) a lot of it probably just her little publicity stunts to make her more noticeable and be talked about on the news and stuff.

  2. I think she is a wonderful role model for everything she has accomplished. She is well spoken, thoughtful and a hard worker. Teenagers are allowed to make mistakes, this is what they do. Can anyone say they didn't make stupid mistakes when they were young? It just wasn't publicized on a national forum.  

  3. I thinl that she is a quite beautiful young women who us a little misgulded...she is trying to appeal to a wider audience

  4. I would say both. I think her father is using her success just so he can get famous again and that may have put forth a lot of stress on Miley.

    But Miley is as much to blame as well, I think she is on her way to becoming a screwed up young celebrity just like Lindsay Lohan.  But oh well, I don't like Miley Cyrus anyway.  

  5. I blame her parents.  She's a child who does not understand the possible far-reaching repercussions  of her behavior.  Her dad, being in the business, DOES know the repurcussions, but allows her to continue to misbehave terribly within the public eye.  He should be horse whipped.  He just wants her to be famous so he can ride on her coat-tail.  She's only doing what any child would in order to be popular.

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