
Do you blame the opposite gender for your problems in life?

by  |  earlier

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And if so, how? :-)




  1. Not in the slightest. I could blame men for the fact that my father was an alcoholic who abandoned his young family. I could call all men sexist and say that all men are destined to abandoned their children but you know what, my mother did the same exact thing to our family.

    My problems in life are just that, my problems. I admit to the fact that some men hurt women and some women hurt men but for the large majority of people, our problems are created by ourselves. I learned early on that I can't blame people for my inadequacies and failures. I can't expect anyone to take responsibility for me. I have to step up and take care of myself.


    lol Kiki you are hysterical.

  2. u mean do i blame my fella??? why of course i do!!!

  3. yes! women are all a bunch of gold digging hoes who go for looks and pass up the nice guys such as myself and dsds!

    no i dont. im c**p with women because i suck at flirting.

    edit: lol

  4. I don't like how men's single equation for success in life seems to be if they can make someone else lose, thats how THEY 'win'.

    I dont like how they want to be control bullies, and be hero worshipped for it, by other wanna-be males, and by women who find it attractive.

    I don't like war. I like even less the excuses for it.

    I don't like the s*x that burned up to a million and a half women at the stake, just to make sure they kept the entire control over getting to be able to be so horrible, unimpeded.

    I don't like men.


    And women?

    You're dishonest and manipulative.

    And i DONT see you taking your half of the seats in government (and so your own responsibility). But i DO see you watching the awful 'Law and Order'-a-thon that the rightwing has been playing round the clock for over a decade

    (oh isnt it a thrill to watch some men hurting some others ?  hmm?)

    and ALL the delicious juicy little rationalizations for it.?


    I don't blame the opposite gender.

    MY gender hurt me.

    But  I blame people of both genders, all of you -->for allowing such a crummy world, and cheering at it, and doing nothing.





  5. no...

  6. No.

  7. No, I don't really have any serious problems, and men have really not had the chance to bugger up my life since I was a teenager and didn't know any better than to  accept being treated like c**p.

  8. No, just a nuisance.

  9. No, I don't. And I find people that do extremely annoying. I am responsible for own life, I'm not looking to blame my problems on someone else.

  10. No but I guess some of them have added to some of my problems but all kinds of people both male and female have effected my life and some of it is also my fault.

  11. No, I blame my genetic makeup and my upbringing.

  12. No, I blame individuals not groups of people.

  13. Currently I have no financial problems, I have a good job, I have no health problems.  But my wife, my son and my mother live with me.  My son is only 4yrs and pose no problem to me.  That leaves my wife and mother, both of whom are "the opposite gender".  They also have no financial or health problems.  That leaves us with nothing but gender issues and emotional issues and quite frequently the blame is on the opposite gender as there are two women in the house and I am man enough for two.


  14. Yep, I had no problems at all until I started to find women attractive.

  15. Yes!!! Wah wah wah! MEN are the root of all evil in this world!!!

    *Sniffles* Sorry, I'm just experiencing p***s envy today I guess....

  16. NO

    Definitely not - well not for most of them anyway.

  17. my personal problems are my problems...silly to blame half the population for it.

  18. No i blame myself for marring her

  19. Not at all....I have only myself to blame for my problems.

  20. Almost all women, including YOU, do this.

  21. No, I blame myself.

  22. No, I blame the people who created those problems. It would be a h**l of a lot easier to blame men for everything, obviously, but it wouldn't make any sense.

  23. h**l yeah that's what they where put on this earth for.....

  24. I blame the English, it's their fault for America.

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