
Do you block anyone here?

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Do you block anyone here?




  1. Only one, Love From Iran

  2. Lol, why is this in the ramadan thread. Yeh i do block people on here. My first one:

    Love from Iran

  3. To many to count

  4. Nah, ignoring is so much better. I like to see what other people think of em too though, so no, I don't block. But I think I got space for one...

  5. Nope cause what's the point of coming if you're going to block people..who cares if they're stupid just laugh at makes me feel better about myself, i honestly want to know what people's questions are.. even if they're just here to bash Islam

  6. I used to until I found out you can only block a maximum of 200 people

  7. I haven't blocked anyone yet but it might not be that long before I would have to. Lol.

  8. nope

    i haven't blocked anybody yet. =]

  9. Yes , I have 80 Users in my Block Users List.

  10. Nope : )

  11. Yeah, just a few extremists on both sides of the divide, the extreme Islam haters and the extreme Muslims who warp Islam to their own narrow understanding.

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