
Do you block other users when they disagree with your personal views?

by Guest65682  |  earlier

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If not, good job. It's great to have an open mind and accept and read all sorts of answers (providing they aren't harassment).

If you do, why do you ask the question in the first place? When you post a question, aren't you looking for all sorts of views - not just your own?




  1. I do not block anyone, if our opinion differs so be it, if someone wants to harass then i pity them for having no life, or i can harass them back if i am bored

  2. No.

  3. Never have blocked anyone. If I block someone for having a different opinion that says more about me than the person I would block.

  4. No, I don't.  What gets me upset though is it seems that most people don't read the entire question, and then post something in answer that is kinda off the wall.  But it is important to me to hear both sides, those who agree, and those who disagree, because that is how I learn.  Sometimes someone will bring something up that I hadn't thought of, like in my last question about what to tell my neighbors about their wedding reception invitation.  So from those answers, although they did not agree with what I thought was a good course of action, helped me to see that there are other possibilities of dealing with my situation, and I feel I have learned from that.  I think it is important to listen to all sides before you make a decision.

  5. No I don't block anyone, even the ones who have blocked me, it is kinda weird though when someone who has blocked you comes and answers one of my questions.

  6. No, I don't, even if they think they are 'harassing' me. Yeah, I know its kind of pointless when you ask a question and block someone so they can't answer.

  7. No, I don't. I only report very, very malicious people, and leave it at that.

    Some people have blocked me, but I don't counter-block. I don't see the point, as everybody (including people who block me) should be able to see and answer/respond to my questions/answers.

  8. Absolutely not. Anyone who does that is so narrow-minded that anything contrary to their worldview must be avoided at all costs.

  9. I block them if I have reason to suspect they will report my posts.

  10. I never block anyone, as a matter of fact, there are quite a few here who's disagreements mean I got it right.

  11. No, I only block people who are new / suspicious.  And if they've blocked me, I block them back just to even things up.  I like it when people disagree with me in an unaggressive, informative manner - new information is always interesting :-)

  12. No.  I have never asked any questions, but one person did not like a response of mine.  She reported me, and I decided that she was , amongst other things, nuts.  SO I requested that Yahoo block any further communication from her.  

    Now she does not have me to complain about. End of story

  13. No I like to hear other views I may not agree with them but I don't block them. I am not sure if I'm blocked or not.

    Not to sound stupid but how do you know if your block? God Bless

    Thanks Sonya I never knew how to tell. Have a good day :)

  14. I think I do, but there is nobody on my blocked list.

  15. Absolutely not!  I think that people who choose to block the answers of those with whom they disagree are missing the point.  The whole idea of Yahoo! Answers is to share information and ideas, perhaps even to learn something from one another.  Unfortunately there are those who post questions when their real intention is to propagate their own skewed belief systems.  People who block those with whom they disagree are using this forum to foster a sense of power and control for themselves, nothing more.  

    Keep on answering, there are alot more of us who are interested in what you have to say than those who fear your ability to think for yourself!

  16. I totally agree with you.  I've never blocked anyone and I've gotten some very rude comments about my answers or questions.  I'm not on here to be stupid, I am on here to ask intelligent questions that I'd really like an answer to and I treat everone on here with the respect that they deserve.  I get a little angry when my question or answer gets reported for nothing, (it's happened) but that is their problem, not mine.  I am secure enough in myself to state my opinion and have an open mind!

  17. I've only blocked people because they block me.  Right now, that's 2 people, one who's a regular here, another who's not.  I'm close to blocking somebody on another forum who's harassing me though, but that's another story.

  18. I think that blocking someone because they don't believe in what you say  is kind of silly.  I only block if  I think that a person is abusive and a possible troll.

  19. haven't had to block anyone yet.  if they were obviously and consistantly harrassing me or being super sick/weird, yes i would block them. i have been offended but i can deal with it. i am a big girl now and it's called life! :)

  20. No I only block people who put in their answer that they will report me (trolls).

  21. No everyone has their own opinions some I may disagree with but I will not make that a reason why to hate someone or block them.

  22. i had not had to block n e 1 yet....i dun ask any questions!

  23. I noticed some people in the poetry section block you if you don't like thier poems, they just want to hear all of the robots who say the most god awful peices of garbage are great tell them that they are the next Robert Frost

  24. I've never blocked anyone on this site, yet. On other sites, I've blocked people, but it takes a LOT. You basically have to be repeatedly harassing and insulting me. I use it as a last resort to keep my PMs from getting filled up with that person's garbage.

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