
Do you blog? What motivates you? Do you want different things now from blogging than when you started?

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Are you a blogger? Do you have any insights about that "hobby"? Any changes planned for 2008?




  1. i use blogging as hobby for collection of pictures, personalise and updating knowledge

  2. Yes I do blog.

    I have two primary sites for my blogs:  blogspot, and myspace.  I used to use 360 but ran into too many problems with people leaving hateful unintelligent comments that I couldn't controlled being posted.  Either I could allow everyone to comment, or no one to comment.  I have on my other two sites allowed people who disagree with me to leave a comment, disagreeing with me doesn't bother me, using foul language and hate speech is different.

    I have been known to be very controversial in my blogs, which is what I believe contributes to the hate.  But, I do not hide from the truth of my beliefs.  

    The bulk of my blogs are either condensed versions of the sermon I gave that week, or a Christian perspective on the current events, which is where I primarily get my ideas.  I have also recently been getting some ideas from yahoo answers.  Some of the things that people believe (or claim to believe so they can get Christians riled up) need refuting and the limited space here doesn't allow for a lengthy response (unless you want to get the ire of others for posting a 24 page answer).

    I believe (hmm, another I believe statement :) ) that you can truly see the depths of a person by seeing what they write about in their blogs.

    The biggest change I would like to do is to blog more than I did last year.  My goal is to try to get at least 1 a week.  Last year, I really neglected my blog.  My goal it to have at least 40-50 posts by the end of the year.

  3. I maintain two blogs, one is primarily for Bible Studies and devotional thoughts, and one is more eclectic often focusing on homeschooling and parenting issues, though I also cross post the Bible studies there.  

    Lets see, what motivates me?

    For my homeschool blog I am motivated by a desire to connect with other homeschooling families and exchange ideas, plus it gives me a place to show of my children and their talents!  It also just gives me a place to ramble.  Writing has always been theraputic for me, and now that I am homeschooling three kids ranging from Kindergarten to High School aged, with one that has special needs.... well I feel like I need some kind of theraputic outlet.

    For my 360 blog, its a place to record what I find in Scripture, God has been challenging me to look more deeply into certain theological issues that I was willing to shove aside before.  For years my attitude was, "I know I'm saved and thats all I need to know." And I avoided issues like how God's sovereignty works together with man's free will, whether eternal security is Biblical, what is a true Christian, etc.  Now as God is challenging me to really delve into those areas, I find that I need a place to collect those thoughts, and my 360 blog is where I do that.

    When I first started blogging it was all homeschool stuff, it is shifting to more spiritual issues now.

    For 2008, well I just started my 360 blog, so that is my 2008 change!

  4. Yes l do blog. I can be motivate by changes in my life or friends life.

    I do blog different now then then because l am more relaxedand this shows, l am not afraid of my mistakes when l am blogging now

    l would say l am some what a blogger but not on one subject

    l never thought of this as a hobby, but l guess it is. and l just do what l feel like doing, no insight to it.

    No changes for me in 2008

    Same silly old me.

  5. Blogging is narcissistic. The blogger assumes that the whole world is fascinated by their doings, thoughts and take on life. Most are mistaken. Also the historians of tomorrow are going to be up a creek as there will be no documentation--it'll all be lost in the recycling of computer components.

    Not to mention that it's really dangerous to put the enormous quantity of personal information on the Internet for anyone to see and use that most bloggers, MySpacers and Facebookers do.

    If you really feel the need to express your private thoughts, keep a journal. It's safer and less public, and doesn't shout "Look at me." The ability to use pen and paper is our last defense against The Machine.

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