
Do you break the speed limit when you drive?

by Guest61246  |  earlier

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Here in Italy, people always break speed limits, especially in the motorways when arrogant drivers whith big sedan or SUV goes even up to 120 (nearly 200km/h) miles per hour although the maximum speed limit is 82(about 130 km/h) miles per hour so if you don't have powerful car you can't overtake heavy vehicles without risk a crash...




  1. Some times in the name of safety I have to.

    When you are driving in any big city it seems the speed limit becomes the minimum speed.

    I hate it when other drivers impede traffic flow, it causes a lot of accidents, so I go what ever it takes to avoid causing an accident. which sometimes is well in excess of the posted limits.

  2. I drive on the motorway most days. I reckon the average driver breaks the 70 speed limit every time they use the motorway.

    Easily done.

  3. In the old days, you could smile sweetly at the policeman and talk yourself out of a ticket.

    Today, the machine makes the decisions.

    Given the amount of cars on the road today, I think its a good job that we have all slowed down a little.

    I had a very lucky escape from an accident involving two other speeding drivers. ( I was travelling at the speed limit of 70mph) I consider myself lucky to be alive and I am now very careful to observe speed limits.

  4. Everyday on the freeway (like 65 in a 55), not really on residential streets

  5. And the speed of Light

  6. It's the same in all latin countries. I think France and Portugal must be the worst. Also, Ireland is bad too!! We've too many speed camera's in the UK to get away with it (Big Brother capital of earth)

  7. Yeah I do I need to slow down though.  On the freeway I noticed myself going up to 85 mph in a 70 mph but only if I'm running late for work i push it.  Yet my car only has a speedometer of 100 mph I'm sure if I gave it all the way to the floor though it would break the 100 mph but I don't have the balls or the money to go that fast the h**l with that it isn't worth the risk.  That's what I liked about the summer I had a better truck from the job whenever that came like I couldn't get on the freeway I would stay on the exit ramp and open it up engine goes up to 5000 Rpms plus and I passed up all the tractor trailers that wouldn't let me over.

  8. My mum does it and I go mad! The police r really tough on crime- speed cameras EVERYWHERE in the UK!

  9. Hey, i wont and dont speed on a 30limit if its a 60mph limit i may do upto 65 which isnt that much more. i try and not break the limit its not worth it, x

  10. yup, work as a courier, can't help myself at times

  11. Not normally, sometimes I do creep slightly over the speed limit (as in 35mph in a 30mph zone)

    I get really annoyed at my boyfriend when he speeds! He says he feels safe driving over the speed limit and that it shoudln't matter so long as he is driving safely... I don't really think it's his decision to be making though, and speed limits are there for a reason!

    Its so rare in the UK for someone to actually stick to the speed limit though... if you actually do it you can feel the frustration of the people behind you!

    I just got back from Lanzarote and people pretty much stuck to the speed limits there which was nice!

  12. is too costly to speed

  13. No, I don't need to.

  14. Nope.............

  15. It has been known...

  16. every single time i ride my bike

    you ever tried keeping a sports bike at 30mph for a long time

    its hard work 2nd gear at tick over

    i do have 6 points and £120 fine tho

    165mph+ in a 70mph

    i can get to 100mph quicker than most cars get to 40

  17. I only break the speed limits on the roads I know well. For example, there's a long straight road that goes past my school, which is almost empty from early evening onwards and only really busy during rush hours and before and after school. It has a 30mph speed limit for obvious reasons, but if there's no congestion the majority of people will go at 40 or more. I once did 50 for kicks when it was completely empty! If you do stick to 30, you can feel the car behind you urging you to go faster.

    I almost always stick to speed limits in towns, and on roads I don't know.

  18. No I don't as I need my driving licence for work.

  19. ALL THE TIME!! I'm usually between 10-30mph over the speed limit.

  20. I live in AR and i always drive over speed limit. Speed Limit usually 45 and i will catch myself going 70.

  21. I finally learned after 3 speeding tickets. It cost me way to much money

  22. I'm not proud of it but yes I do break the speed limit, nearly every time I hit a motorway or duel carriageway, the problem is that on a bike it is way to easy to break the speed limit and despite points on my licence and a fine or two I usually cruise at about 125 mph and a lot more than that if I'm out to have fun. I think the answer is to have more police around as that would make people like me less likely to speed.I'd like to add I DO NOT speed through built up areas and around schools or housing estates where children may be playing I rarely get above 20 mph.

  23. yes i speed all the time handbrake round the corners and foot all the way down on empty roads


  25. rarely

  26. i just got my permit in august and went on the highway for the first time yesterday! i was kind of scared so i barely even made the speed limit, nevermind broke it haha

  27. yep

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