
Do you brush your teeth at school or work?

by Guest59928  |  earlier

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So tommorow will be my first day back since getting braces. Will it be weird to brush my teeth at school? Because i go to a small school of about 30 kids at the most. Do you brush your teeth at school? Because i have to the ortho. said it was mandatory.




  1. uhh neither, i brush my teeth at home.

  2. Yes, definitely brush your teeth as your ortho told you to. You don't want to go through having braces just to get them off and have rotting teeth.

  3. I have never ever seen anyone brush their teeth in my school before. If I were you I wouldn't do it where people can see. Perhaps use a disabled toilet or ask to use a teachers toilet.

  4. No it's not weird.. Go ahead and do it, it's better than having bad breath now that's embarrasing.

  5. Well, of course! Go ahead and brush at school. Doctor's orders! I don't see what the big deal about it is. If, perhaps, you are worried about people making fun of you...well, just go to the bathroom when no one else is around. It's all okay :)

  6. I went to a really small school too. and when i had braces i brushed my teeth at school. a few kids did.

  7. I honestly think there's nothing wrong with it. theres a lot of kids at my school who do this all the time. it's better than having stuff stuck in your teeth. thats more disgusting.

  8. Not personally, but I don't think it's weird at all. It's a healthy habit!

  9. nope, not me personally, but the people with braces do.

  10. no... i dont think so... noone does at my school... i think you only had to do that when braces first came out cuz they wer all weird and got ore stuff stuck in them or sumthing.. well sont brush your teeth at school or work even if they say it is mandatory... everyonw will think you are a weirdo

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