
Do you burp & f**t in front of your spouse?

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& How long have you been married?

Just wondering =]




  1. We both do.  I started before her and she claims she never would have if I kept it to myself.  Sometimes I wonder if I shouldn't have just held it in..that little woman can peel the paint off the wall.  

  2. LMAO...Funny question...

    I DO NOT f**t in front of hubby... I just burp..

    My hubby on the other hand...OMGosh I swear he has an extra f**t gland or something. And the funny thing is, he is 32 yrs old and still laughs like a lil boy when he "toots"  And his fav. time to let one escape, is right before I lay down for bed....:| lol

  3. Burp okay if not loud and piggish - f**t? NEVER!!!  Rude and disrespectful!  Relationships are hard enough without giving the other person a reason to be disgusted with you.  Married 9 years.

  4. well, since women don't actually f**t...

    Married for 8 years, and yes to both, though he really doesn't even notice most of the time.  Now I just blame my 7 month old!

    And, the bathroom door is never closed in our house unless company is over.

  5. More room out than in, I'm not going to try and hold it in. that stuff hurts. He is the same way. married 14yrs.

  6. yes and yes and yes again.

    Maybe I am vulger and inproper, but I'll tell you what, I have no worries about my husband not excepting me, for me.

    He is my best friend and sometimes our biggest laughs come from the things you least expect. lol.

    *one time he started laughing in the truck and I had no idea why, suddenly the worst smell I have ever smelled in my life, I mean I was gagging and trying to roll down the window, but it wouldn't go down, I looked over and it was becuase he was holding up the up bottons on the windows. whew! torture!***

    I have tried since that day to get him back, lol. but just can't top it.

  7. Unfortunately, yes.  almost 10 years married.  It's going to happen, so just be open about it.  But on the other hand, a little bit of forethought and consideration is appreciated. For example, I get real mad at my husband when he passes gas while I am eating.  Like I want to eat his f**t?!?  Yuck.

  8. No we don't do it infront of each other, we have respect....we been married 1 year....

  9. Yep definitely, it hurts to hold it in so why bother! Now that I'm pregnant I seem to f**t a lot lol! Hubby and I are really comfortable with each other so it doesn't feel embarassing or anything. We've been married for 2.5years, together for 4 years.  

  10. burp yes, f**t, try not too.

    2 years

  11. If the gas needs out, I let it out! Our 7 year wedding anniversary is next week and we have been through so much together that farting or burping in front of each other is almost a testament to how comfortable we are with each other. For instance, my dear husband held a leg through the pushing stage while I delivered our children. Once you've been there little else seems too personal :). I do keep a few things personal, such as bleaching, waxing and going #2. Everything else is fair game and we deem to be part of "for better or worse".

  12. yep...I do it in front of him, and he does it in front of me. We have been married 10 years, together almost 11 years, so I would say we are comfortable enough with each other. lol ;)

  13. My husband burps and farts infront of me.  I burp infront of him, but I'm not even comfortable going #2 when he's home.  I think its different for men and women.  We've almost been married a year, but been together off and on for almost 8 years now.

  14. Yes I do both. I try not to f**t in front of him but sometimes you just have to. I am pregnant and there is no way I am going to go into another room every 2 minutes. He really doesn't mind. We have been married for 5 years. I am sure there are things I do that bother him a lot more than farting every now and then.

  15. I burp all the time in front of him, but I usually try not to f**t in front of him. After we had started dating for awhile, he kept encouraging me to, wouldn't leave me alone about it until I farted in front of him just to shut him up, haha. I won't hold it in, but if I can help it...I won't do it around him. ;P

    Been together for three years.

  16. i do burp but i dont f**t. he burps and farts around me. it does not bother me that he does it but i feel trashy farting around other people. we have been together 2 years, living together 1 year and married for 3weeks!

  17. This is a good question!  I like seeing the answers, lol.  My husband is always farting and burping so loud!  He does it in front of everyone!  I do burp in front of him but even after 17 years together I just cannot f**t in front of him!  He has also made it perfectly clear that it is disgusting for women to f**t, so that might have something to do with it.  I must say, sometimes it is painful not to "let it rip" LOL!  Why should it be gross?  God made our bodies to f**t, we should be allowed to let it out, lol!

  18. Yes of course as legally he is entitled to half of every one of my farts and belches. I believe in sharing. Especially like it when he is asleep on sofa and once i feel one (f**t) brewing I'll walk up to him, bum in his face and let rip!

    He likes to grab my head (whilst in bed) and stuff it under the duvet whilst he farts.

    We have been happily married for 19 years!

  19. I burp but I try not to fat.He does both around me.We have been married for a little over a year June 30th 2007

  20. Burb yes, but I can't help it right now because I'm pregnant.

    f**t, for some reason it doesn't come out when he's

    But he on the other hand has no problem farting in front of after he does, he says what Shrek says, "It's better out than In, I always say"

    We've been married for 3 years, but  together for 9 years.

  21. burp yes, f**t try not to cause hubby hates it . p**p yes , throw up yes , anything yes . i gave birth in from of him so !married for 5 and going for life .  

  22. Well, I totally burp yes But fartting...I try to avoid when I am with anyone especially my husband cause I see him think I would just let rip after 6 years =P

    It's not that I can't it is just I think it is rude and unattractive. He can for all I care I still love em I just don't wanna appear unattractive ya know...women can always be self conscious! lol

  23. I let it rip from both ends in front of my hubby and sons! They just think it's hilarious! Not something I would do in front of anyone else, though! Married now 6 years, together for 9 years.

  24. Married 7 weeks.  I don't.  My husband will occasionally do it & then say "hey what was that"?  LOL!  The cat gets blamed a lot.

  25. No.  Do you burp and f**t in front of your mother?  Do you burp and f**t in front of your auntie?  

    Show some decency and excuse yourself.  Just because you're married doesn't mean you turn into a pig.  One word - RESPECT.

  26. L.O.L, Great Question,ha,ha

    Yep I sure do, Burp & f**t!

    Hey come on its only natural,lol!

    We've none each other about a year now, & have been married since March 2nd of this year!!

  27. Yes.  If you cant pass gas in front of the person who youre supposed to put up with for the rest of your life, then what the h**l are we doing here?

  28. We'll be married for 3 years in Jan 2009 and I burp in front of him and sometimes toot ONLY if I can't hold it in....I only started tooting a year or 2 ago because my stomach would be hurting so bad from holding it in that my doctor said I could get really sick from holding it in so one day one came out on accident and he made me feel comfortable about it and we both giggled and so now if it's on accident then I don't mind but I don't do it out of habit ....

    Funny question

  29. I actually do both in front of him!  We lived together before we got married and that made us very close and comfortable with each other so I have been doing it long before we got married. :) If he can do it in front of me, I can do it in front of him!

  30. 14 years,burp in public, f**t only durring s*x,,,which is not that often,,i guess that explains my swollen belly&gas pains,

  31. I burp...I only started when I was pregnant...because you can't really help it.  And farts...only when they slip out...or when he's not around.  But he belches and farts like a gas factory...

    We've both always blamed the we have a son...and he's been known to catch some undeserved f**t blame when there aren't any dogs

    Married 6 years in July - Together for almost 10.


    And as someone else mentioned...I don't really mind...unless there was malicious he purposely aimed his "ASSCANON" at me and lets one rip...or if we're eating and he farts...that really bothers me...but other than that...what are you gonna do?  It's a natural

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