
Do you buy Organic Foods?

by  |  earlier

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Or do you grow your own?




  1. I can't grow where I am, but i do buy, there relativily cheap around here.

  2. i buy alot of organic foods..i love their ceral

  3. I have two gardens. One an herb garden and the other a veggie. We also put in some watermelon plants this year. I DO like organic foods. Especially organic peanut butter!

  4. Yes, I buy as much organic food as I can afford. It is pretty pricey. We also grow organic vegetables in our garden. Tomatoes, cukes, peppers,eggplant,zucchini, beans and herbs.

  5. No because I know the reality behind organic production.  And why is inferior quality acceptable at higher prices?  If conventional food looked like organic does, all of it would end up in the dumpster.

  6. we used to have a garden. had lots of veggies. but, that garden is long gone. i love to have a garden again. too bad i'm not much of an outdoor person. organic foods are so expensive. sometimes i buy them though.  

  7. no  

  8. I BUY,i like to buy mine at whole foods or kroger .i love it.

  9. opb - organic peanut butter

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