
Do you buy a bike based upon function or performance?

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Do you buy a bike based upon function or performance?




  1. If you mean choosing between a cruiser, RR, on - off road, sport tourer, etc as function vs the capability of each of these classes of cycle, performance  is completely variable. Thus I would say a choice must be made on function and performance takes a back seat. Otherwise if you choose between 2 crotch rockets a choice would be based on performance details and function left pretty much alone seeing as the bikes are nearly identical.

    So its up to the seeker to sort out the details, not the philosopher. Its kind of a why did the chicken cross the road question. Answer is of course to test the brakes on the  gravel truck.

  2. function and performance are definitely important factors to some of us...

    personally build quality, design quality, and reliability were also important characteristics...

  3. Color

  4. Chose mine with the money in my pocket.

  5. holy shat you asked alot of questions....

    i buy based on value and pride

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