
Do you buy caged hen eggs?

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Or do you prefer to buy free range eggs knowing the hens have not been locked in tiny cages and forced to lay.




  1. Hi there,

    I don't buy eggs at all because you can never be sure what the conditions are like unless you own the hens yourself.  Free Range eggs are extremely hard to come by so I doubt all the people above actually get "free range".  It's more likely that they get "cage-free" which is very different from "free range".  

    A very, very small minority of consumers actually buy cage-free eggs (in America at least).  We are talking maybe 98% of all eggs produced are from caged hens, so there are some people who are not answering perhaps because they know they should be a better, more ethical consumer.

  2. I always buy free range. They taste so much better too.

  3. Never! those poor hens locked up in cages what a cruelty! Always and only free range for me.  

  4. No - free range for us.

  5. My mother buys them because they're cheaper. I wish she wouldn't though :(

    Free range eggs are so much better taste wise as well! I know because my friend's mother buys them, and as tradition we always have scrambled eggs the morning after a sleep over.

    I hate how the hens are caged up and forced to lay their eggs. It's almost like forcing a girl to have her period!!

  6. no way

    we have our own hens we save that jamie oliver thing and said no way

    we have rescued hens from free range farms and the hens we got proved

    that free ranging was kind of fake cause all there nails were long except one she is such a bully and her nails were short

    so i geuss that not all chickens get out and well after a year of egg layin they get slautered and they can still lay i think thats tight and they live for 5 years o.m.g

  7. no never!!!..i always buy free range,i cant eat battery eggs..its all in the word "batterty" sound appetising??

  8. I always buy free range eggs and would never buy battery eggs.....EVER!  


  9. Depending on the farm, free range hens can suffer just as much cruelty as caged hens.  Don't assume that just because they're sold as free range eggs the hens are all happy and well-cared-for.

  10. N.O

    and i think its sick that shops sell battery eggs.

    there should be a severe punishment for whoever makes the poor hens suffer.

    all because of their greed of money.

    I always buy organic free range.

  11. No, free range.

  12. If you're saying that the normal regular store eggs are from caged chickens...I'm sure most of us are guilty.  I have recently been buying free range brown or organic eggs.  

  13. nope, always go for free range. but am maybe a little hypocritical as I'm not so careful when buying meat. I don't earn enough money to buy everything free range. I try to when I can afford it.

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