
Do you buy medication for your pet on line?

by  |  earlier

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I would never do that, because it hardly ever explains what it contains ("a miracle cure", "cures in minutes", and all that nonsense) They seem terribly expensive. My dog shows signs of ringworm. Plenty of info on the net and it all leads to those "wonder doctors". Or have you had good experiences?




  1. I am about to visit my vets for a prescription for Stronghold.  I have discovered a website where the treatment is much cheaper than my vet sells it.  They will only dispatch it if you send them a prescription.  I would not buy anything on-line unless it is a prescribed medicine.

  2. Ring worm is very frequently misdiagnosed because the typical "rings" are usually "epidermal collarettes" which is a sign of superficial bacterial infection (pyoderma) rather than ring worm.

    The treatment of ring worm is long (several weeks), costly and may lead to liver toxicity. Therefore, regarding ring worm, I strongly recommend against:

    - self diagnosis

    - self medicating

    My advice is to seek veterinary advice and get a fungal culture done. This, only, will justify any treatment against ring worm (which is a rare disease when diagnosed properly).

    It is possible that the vet will spare you the cost of the fungal culture by recognising the superficial bacterial infection. A course of antibiotic may then sort out the situation.

    Best wishes and good luck,


  3. The only thing I buy online is flea treatment get it from petmeds because it is a lot cheaper than getting it from the vets.

  4. I have bought flea and tick stuff online with no problems, however, I am not a vet and I don't think I would try to self medicate my pet. It could actually cause more problems if you gave it medicine for something that it didn't have. I think that you should take the dog to the vet. If your worried about cost call the SPCA and see if they can either treat the dog or recommend a cheap vet. I hope this helps!

  5. There is no miracle cure,i get my meds from a vet.

              Debbie O

  6. No, I never would.

    The medication could be wrong.

    If it it's meant to be prescription from the vet, you can easily overdose or underdose your animal.

    Just don't do it, be a responsible owner and take them to a vet.

  7. well that's a way but make sure you buy sure medications . do not buy some medications you do not know what they're doing . but the original way is that to go to the veterinary  . that is the most sure thing

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