
Do you buy more due to packaging in larger quantities.?

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Like 6 rolls when you only want 1 or a half dozen eggs and only eat 3? What can be done? What is your opinion?

I mean we don't want to waste stuff do we?




  1. yes I do...but I'm the queen of freezing...for example in the summer I buy extra strawberries, blueberries etc and I freeze them, so I can have locally bought fruit in the know you can freeze eggs, and milk.When it comes to non perishable things like toilet paper i also buy the bigger package...bulk usually saves money, packaging and hey I don't think my toilet paper is going to go bad.... So next time you think something is going to be wasted, do some Internet surfing and see if you can store it another way!

  2. I only buy what I need but if it comes in packaging that I don't want I give it to the sales assistant.

  3. I shop in a Asda supermarket!

    i would love to know why they don't sell ALL fruit and veg as individual weigh out.  Alot of the fruit and veg is prepacked.  So if I only want 2 parsnips, I have to buy a pack with 5 or 6 in.

    I would like to shop at my local market/grocers, but it is so expensive.

    At least they are doing away with plastic bags!!


  4. As I have two kids and an OH, I tend to buy a lot of stuff in bulk - like loo rolls etc. But I get it all from a site called Ecotopia.

    They do bulk buy deals as well as small stuff and it's all ecologically sound. :)

    My local Asda hates my guts. When I've finished my shopping, I'll pack it and remove all the unnecessary packaging. Then I take the lot to customer services. :)

    Buying locally, from farm shops etc is one way to combat the wastage and support local businesses, but sadly they are very few and far between these days.

  5. It is actually better to buy in bulk!  Typically things come in larger packages because it is more cost effective, not only for the producer of the product but the consumer as well, not to mention the environment because there is less packaging overall.   If you are buying something like toilet paper, you can store it and save it for later!    

    If it is something perishable like eggs or milk, maybe try to prepare some recipes at home to use what was left over from your original use.  

    If the product is bread or cheese or even spinach or certain types of fruit you can put it in the freezer for a later date.  I do this and put frozen fruit in my morning shake and with spinach its is great to add to soups or lasagna for extra nutrients!

  6. I have two kids and most of there friend to so buy in larger quantities.

  7. well, I won't buy something in large quantities without planning to consume it, so most of the things I bought in a large quantities are things that I usually consume a lot, or because they're cheaper, then I usually stored them

    Buying things in traditional shops that allow customer to buy as much or as little as they want is probably a solution. But fortunately these days, I find a lot of brands and products that have unique way to pack their goods, like Tsp spices, they came with a specifically amount of spices for common people usually use in one cooking. and they offer options of how many sachets would the consumer wants  ( half dozen, a dozen or two dozens) I think that's a good and practical idea.

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