
Do you buy new clothes each new school year for your kids?

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My daughter is starting kindergarten this year (yay!) and I want to buy her new outfits when I buy her school supplies but my husband told me not to. He doesn't understand why the clothes she already has aren't good enough to start the school year in. (he grew up in a poor family and didn't get clothes every year like I did so he doesn't really get it) What I am asking is do all parents buy their kids new clothes each school year and how much do you buy if you do?




  1. I do buy my children new clothes every summer for the new school year. They are ages 7 and 9. I enjoy purchasing them new clothes for the new school year because they like having new clothes as well. I usually buy about a week to 10 days worth of new outfits, including new undies, socks and one pair of new shoes. I probably go alittle over board but I like them to look nice when they go to school! Hope this helps......

  2. I think a happy medium is possible. Her old clothes will not shred in the closet the night before school starts so she should be wearing clothes that are still in good shape and fit her well. You can slowly rotate in new shirts and pants when those wear out or she outgrows them.

    She should probably have new comfy sneakers to start out the school year -- whatever fits your budget, whether Nike or Wal-Mart.

    And I think she should have one cute outfit for the first day of school. If it will still be hot, it can be a short sleeve shirt with capris or a skort that will probably be on sale right now, and can be worn with a cardigan or hoodie into the fall on warmer September/October days. don't have to go out and buy a whole new wardrobe but she ought to have 7-10 changes of school clothes made from combined old and new clothes. Get new or new-to-her from gently used places to build up that wardrobe then replace things as needed.

    Have fun! My son (youngest) is going to kindergarten this year, too. He has new polos ready to go and will start out with the khaki cargo shorts he has. I got him a new pair of sneakers and will, depending on our budget and what we get for his brother and sister, get him either cargo runabout pants from LLBean or pull on cargos from Wal-Mart (LLBean $22.50; Wal-Mart, $7 LOL)

  3. I have to, my boys grow a size bigger every year or even more often than that so they need new clothes that fit.  

  4. I used to.  However, I thought it strange that I rarely saw them wearing the things that I bought.  So, this year, I had them empty their dressers and closets of all clothing that was not socks or underwear and place it into a pile in the living room.  Each child tried EVERYTHING on.  You would not believe the number of items that I bought LAST YEAR that were still new!

    All that they are getting is shoes, socks and underwear.

  5. We grew up poor, too, and the beginning of the school year was the ONLY time we got new clothes.  The rest of the year, if we outgrew everything, or if we needed additional clothes, we got them from the second hand store.

    Personally, I don't understand why people would buy brand new clothes to replace old ones that are just fine.  I was appalled when a friend of mine bought new clothes and threw her old (barely worn) clothes in the dumpster.  I'm sure that's just my poor upbringing, but having worn second hand clothes most of my life, I can't help but thinking that someone out there could have used those clothes.

    Aside from my own upbringing, this is really personal choice.  Do you have the money to spend?  Will she be "spoiled" by so many clothes?  If so, do you care if she's spoiled?  (I'm not assuming she will be spoiled...I'm asking IF she is spoiled, would that bother you...just wanted to clarify...some people feel it is a sign of good parenting if their children are spoiled.)  Anyway, I think that as long as you've got the money to spend, and whatever (positive OR negative) consequences will come of it are ok with you, then go for it.  

  6. My daughter gets new school clothes every year. She gets 5 new outfits, new under clothes, new socks, 1 pair of gym shoes, and 1 pair of other shoes.  I think alot of kids start each school year with new clothes. It does get expensive so i can see why your husband is reluctant to do it though.  I would at least get her a couple outfits and shoes.

  7. your husband is right though, your daughter probably has perfectly fine clothes and no kindergarten kid cares about the clothes that their friend wears.

    i dont buy new clothes for school because my kids go to a school that has a uniform, i replace the clothes if they get too small or get ruined or the school change the uniform etc though.

  8. As she gets older you will have to buy her new clothes because of how fast she is growing. However, your husband does bring up a good point I mean it is just kindergarten maybe 2-3 new outfits if you really feel the need to buy her something new.

    My husband and I are the exact same, I grew up getting new clothes every year he did not.  

  9. If it was me, i would just buy a few cute outfits from maybe a thrift store or garage sales. Not only can you buy more for less, if buying tons of clothes is what you want, but your daughter is in KINDERGARDEN! shes going to go through clothes really fast. not only because shes growing but because kindergardeners like to play outside and get dirty.

  10. im 11 years old and my mom either lets me get 75 dollars worth or 5 outfits each year before school u could use that because i think when i grow up i will do that to my child

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