
Do you buy presents for anybodies birthday?

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I do for my Mum and Dad and my younger cousins but that is all.




  1. I buy birthday presents based on who they are.  Some friends I do, some I don't.  The more I care about them the more I am likely to give them a gift.  Sometimes I suck and just forget though.  

  2. I buy for to many people! friends,family and sometimes one more person!

  3. Yes, for my Mom, Dad, and sister. But for christmas I buy presents for my Mom, Dad, sister, and grandparents.  

  4. I have a hard time buying gifts for anybody.  If my family didn't do birthday/xmas lists I don't know what I'd do.  With my friends its tougher, there's only a couple of them I would get gifts for, and if I had it my way we'd go somewhere, they'd choose something they like and I'd buy it for them.  It really is the thought that counts though, I honestly I don't expect gifts and would prefer if people didn't give them, but I'm always gracious and think is nice of them to do that.  I think our society definitely overemphasizes gift-giving for holidays, etc.  

  5. If ur invited to their birthday party than yes u should.  But if they don't and ur not the closest friends in the world then maybe no.  If its ur best friend i would since u care about them a lot.  It really depends how much they mean to u.

  6. I do it for all my brothers and sisters and also my parents

  7. nope

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