
Do you capitalize "spring 2008?"?

by Guest64957  |  earlier

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  1. Yes

  2. No. The seasons are not capitalized unless one of them begins the sentence, such as: Fall is approaching, but winter I anticipate.but week days are to be capitalized. always. and same with months. its a weird procedure but you'll get it!

    EDIT: well I suppose you should capitalize it this time becuase of the PARTICULAR time. but if you are just saying "i was born in the fall" you wouldnt capitalize it.

  3. Yes, because it is a specific time period.  

  4. No. You don't capitalize seasons.

  5. In this case - yes because it is the name of a particular period of time Spring 2008. Seasons are not capitalized if they are written alone or in a sentence such as: In the spring of 2008, Mary wed John.

  6. no

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