
Do you care about Global Warming?

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Do you truely care about Global Warming?




  1. I care about global pollution and corporate greed.  I do not think that the earth is warming because of human putting C02 in the atmosphere.  I think that we should be talking about children's respiratory diseases from pollution instead of following democrats and republicans in their attempts to cloud the issue with unproven science.  The sky isn't falling, but they make everyone think that it is so that our money keeps flowing in.

  2. if it`s o.k. with 3rd world country`s, it`s o.k. with me

  3. Yes.

    It might not even be a big deal, just another phase the earth goes through (like the ice age) but it could be our fault and if it is then we need to get off our butts to fix it otherwise we're all doomed.

  4. How can anyone not care.

  5. yeah because humans have already ****** up this planet so much don't fix this were gonna have a huge problem down the road. so even if its just a small step in the right direction we should take it like

  6. YES

    To not care is to not care about LIFE.  It is without question, along with the rest of the environmental problems,  the most important issue man will face in this century.  It's the most important issue man has ever faced.  We have the solutions, all we need is the political will to use them.  

    Many people are being manipulated by those who have a vested interest in denying this.  They think they are thinking.  They are not!

    They are reacting. They are listening to those who hold nothing sacred except the $$.   And then they are parroting these reactionary ideas and thinking they are thinking.  

      To read more about the solutions for energy independence read my posts at the question Global Warming??

  7. yes I do!!!! I think everybody should!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. No, it is a natural phenomena and we as a species will adopt.

  9. yes.most's a series issue.

  10. no, i like warm weather, and the beaches

  11. no global warming is caused by sunspot activity.  carbon dioxide in the past has increased after temperatures have.   that proves that co2 doesnt increase does prove that warmer temperatures cause longer growing seasons for plants which increase co2.  dont let the government trick you into giving up your freedom. they cant control the environment anymore than you can.

  12. no

  13. Can't say that I am in love with it.

  14. Al Gore is an idoit. Global warming does not exist!!!!

  15. No, since it's a natural cycle of the planet we live on.

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