
Do you care about the constitution?

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Do you personally care about the constitution? As an individual and as an American citizen, do you give a c**p? It doesn't seem like most of us do.




  1. Yep, pretty darn good piece of paper. Love livin in the USA.

  2. I for one care about the constitution,however it has been corrupted,and perverted by the corporate war machine,determined to take every right drafted in the constitution away from the citzens,so they can use us as soldiers to fight their wars,and spill our blood,for their profit.

  3. YES i do care about it.. and i actually had to read it for history and it was the one thing i ENJOYED reading most. i think it's Very interesting. and i LOVE my country and am very patriotic.. so Yes i do give a c**p. it's sad that most don't. but i sure do.

  4. You are correct most people just don't care at all about it .

    Its really kind of sad. They will care one day but by then it will be to late!

  5. Ron Paul does...keep the faith

  6. yes i do now if we could only get the politicians to care

  7. I care about it. The government doesn't like it very much. It keeps getting in their way of utopia. But the Supreme Court is doing a very good job of getting rid of it. The war on drugs and the war on terror are the means to the end.

  8. I believe  that Jesus, was Crucified, he rose, and ascended to heaven.

  9. I care about the Constitution. Unfortunately, our legislators obviously do not.

    People should not live in fear of their government. The government should live in fear of the people.

    Our Constitution is being ignored in Washington. The Constitution is the only thing that stands between the government and our rights. These wealthy Congressmen are using the Constitution to roll their cigarrettes. I wish people would wake up and smell the burning paper.

  10. My impression is that most of us are interested in what assures each of our constitutional rights under the Bill of.  We spend a lot of time worrying about whether someone or something is infringing on those rights.  Yet when I read the preamble it talks a great deal about our commonalities and our unity. The document declares  its intent is a "more perfect union", justice, a common good or welfare, and a common defense.  All this suggests deeper bonds between us and a greater harmony among us as a people than exists now between us individuals who have "rights".  The emphasis on the individual, on the party dominance, and on specific personal choices dictated by a desire for political ascendancy poses a fundamental threat to our process.  Commonality is undermined whenever a righteous individual seeks to impose a singular point of view on a plural majority.

    Oddly the court's support of the individual actually infringes on the freedom of many others.  We need to be much more tolerant of our real differences.  Our founding fathers expected a great deal more of us as a people than we seem to be able to deliver.

  11. I spent 26 years of my life living an oath to that document.  I believe in the US Constitution - but not in the American people.

  12. Yes I do, I defended it for twenty years and I wish the American Communist Liberties union would leave it alone, they are the ones destroying it.

  13. I do care, but it's getting increasingly harder to do so, when our elected officials trample all over it.

  14. It seems most people see it as irrelevant when it does not agree with what they think and sacrosanct when it does.  Both attitudes do a disservice, as it does not exist for just them, but for us all.

  15. Yes, I care about the Constitution. I agree with you that many Americans do not particularly care about it.

    Every bit as much as I care about the Constitution, I care about how the document gets interpreted by the highest authority of the nation. And given Roe v. Wade, Lawrence v. Texas, and many others, it is not interpreted very well at all.

  16. As in any state, very few actually understand their Constitution and all its implications, both domestic and foreign.

    When you look at the Constitution closely you will find contradictions. If an individual makes inflammatory remarks is this freedom of speech or does it interfere with an individual's right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Does the class system uphold that all men are equal.

    The Constitution is what you take from it.

  17. yes and no......  it's way too flexible......... it's set up so if people whine loud enough, no matter how stupid or immoral they're requests are, they'll make a law that affects everybody just to shut up a very select group of people (A group in which nobody cares about in the first place)...... on the other hand i do, for the most part agree with the original concrete rules it stands on........

  18. I want the US government to follow the Constitution.  In fact, any time there is a meeting, a conference, a session in Congress...reading passages from the Constitution should be a requirement to get the meeting etc. started.  Maybe it will eventually sink in.

  19. How can anyone not respect the constitution? That is what gives us our basic freedoms and prevents (or at least restricts) political and enforcement people from running all over us. It sets a standard which we use to develop law and process. Unfortunately there are some who have chosen to ignore the constitution and/or to make their own interpretation of it. People in the highest offices of America have destroyed confidence in the constitution by Bushwhacking it and twisting it to their benefit. We need to restore our faith in the constitution, protect the dignity of the document, rid ourselves of those politicians who choose to ignore it, prosecute those who violate it. Read it, think about it, consider what America would be like without the constitution; and think about what we will be like if we continue to allow people to ignore it!

  20. I do.  All is well.  Sleep tight.

  21. yes I care and would fight to my death for that document that gives all Americans freedom

  22. You seem to forget, the Constitution is just a piece of paper, the president is the real law of our country!

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