
Do you care about the poor peoples in the world, especially Africa?

by Guest57221  |  earlier

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Did you know that the Sub-Sahara has by far the highest number of people living on less that 50 pence a day, compared with any other region?

Would you be willing to forgo an increase in your income for a couple of years to help aleviate this poverty?

I'm not talking about reducing your standard of living, but just to keep it static for a while.

Please, I'm presuming any increase in aid will be well-spent, and will get to the people who need it.




  1. I do, but theres little i can do (now). The only way to eradicate poverty is thorough investments. You know what they say, teach  a man to fish and he will eat his whole life.

    I'm sure poverty will be eradicated one day due to the expansionist nature of capitalism. Capitalism started in britain but then spread to europe, america and now Asia. Its a matter of time before Africa is flooded with foreign investments simply because we live in a finite planet and a capital base that expands exponentially will have nowhere else to go.

  2. Yes, but theres not much I can do. I am poor myself.

  3. I care about them- but its important to remember that money=happiness...

    America, and western countries in general are the richest of all in the world- yet they account for more depressions, suicides, and mental problems than anyother people.

    When dealing with these problems we must loose the mindset that money=happiness.

    Just because a person is in poverty, what makes you think you're more happy than them?

    Also, if someone were to donate thousands of dollars what makes you so sure that it would ever reach the places it needs to go.... ever wondered why they're in poverty?  It may have something to do with their governments- If their ruled by thieves and murderers why should I turn my hard earned money into the hands of the same people who are trying to kill me and my country?

  4. i care about poor people... but i start helping at home

  5. Not having a pay rise would decrease my standard of living, inflation is a huge problem. Everyday items become more and more expensive. WE already donate billions of dollars a year to these regions. Many of these places have corrupt governments and civil war.

    Also wealthy nations are about to be hit hard so internal poverty is more of my concern!

  6. There are lots of things you in the developed nations can do to alleviate poverty in this poor nations.First of all try as much as possible to avoid going through the corrupt government-you can go through their religious leaders instead; if possible you can organize the assistance directly-by this you will have access to the real people in poverty.I am from one of the nations in west Africa -I understand the problem .Giving money to government can not help  even individuals can not.You have to be pragmatic in your approach to this problem.Most of the poor people are more religious.Establishing schools, cottage industries, donating educational books,providing medical facilities to these poor people directly with the help of the local religious leaders will help a lot

  7. I care about poverty in all the world but poverty keeps things in line like prices think what would happen if everyone inthe world had 50 billion dollars... its worth would turn into 50 cents and prices would be skyrocket high!!!!

    it seems bad but you affect one side of the ballance and it will effect the other...


  8. Poverty is relative concept.Even US there is poor.What matters is living conditions of the poor.Financial/economic aid sent to poor countries are mostly misappropriated by politicians and  corrupt govt officials.We can not do much.Perhaps voluntary agencies may be able to do something in this regard.

  9. Yeah a lot ! But I'm African so it doesnt count.

  10. To be honest, I used to not care.  However, last year's high school debate topic was about Sub-Saharan Africa, so my views have changed greatly.  For all of you people who feel there is nothing you can do, luckily, you are wrong.  My high school actually had a fundraiser where people donated money to build a well in a village in Africa.  Our goal was low- we expected to pay for about half of one.  But the success was much better than expected.  We were able to fund three whole wells.

    Just letting you guys who think that you can't do anything to help this cause.

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