
Do you care about tomorrow?

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Do you care about tomorrow?




  1. No.

  2. Oh yeah!  I mean, if it gets here, I want it to be a good day!

  3. yes

  4. Rhetorical question? Thought so.

  5. of course

  6. Heck yeah!  I'm going golfing tomorrow.

  7. I care about today tomorrow and when tomorrow comes I will care about the day.

  8. No, not tomorrow, but as little as six years from now things could start to get pretty unpleasant here in Califrnia:

    There is a 50 percent chance Lake Mead will run dry by 2021 and a 10 percent chance it will run out of usable water by 2014...

    "We were stunned at the magnitude of the problem and how fast it was coming at us," said marine physicist Tim Barnett.

    "Make no mistake, this water problem is not a scientific abstraction but rather one that will impact each and every one of us that live in the Southwest," he said.

  9. Yeah I do, not only my tomorrow but the world's tomorrow........

  10. yes, tomorrow is a new day, today will be the past. tomorrow gives us something to hope in and long for. It is like a gift that you open, it's a great surprise, and sometimes you like it, sometimes you would prefer something else, but you have to put on your best face no matter what, for those around you. This is why i care about tomorrow

  11. i do care about tomorrow. that is why i believe we must take care of our earth and each other so we can make tomorrow even better than today.

  12. yes, tomorrow may be a better day than today, it may not be. But I always care about it.

  13. YES!

  14. No, because thats the future. The present is what to focus on.

  15. h**l yea! I plan on going to the beach and basking in this kick *** weather we have.

  16. Yes, however I have been doing research and some studies on the subject and I have come to the conclusion that global warming is actually no threat.

  17. yes, tomorrow is a test and i cant fail

  18. Sure, that's why I keep the Hummer tuned up for it's maximum performance level.

  19. yes.

    it'd be nice if my grandchildren inherited a world as good as i did.

    i think that most folks do.

    i also think that  THOSE WHO DON'T, SCREAM THE LOUDEST.

    they're not a majority, but the sure are a VERY VOCAL MINORITY.

  20. yes..evryday is worth thanking god for!

  21. I've got a paper due tomorrow, and besides, sometimes my bf calls on Wednesdays, so i guess i have to care.

  22. Yes,

    A better today would open the  doors for  a  happy tomorrow.


  23. now, is this like 'do I care about my life tomorrow' or 'saving the world one day at a time... tomorrow'

    but in my life, tomorrow I have a two hour delay [school], so I get some extra zzzzz's :D and I'm loving that.

  24. Yes, because today is yesterdays tomorrow and I thank the lord for letting me be here. But if people do not watch how they treat this gift, we will never be able to see today rather than tomorrow.

  25. Dream like you'll live forever

    Live like you'll die tomorrow

  26. No, once this comet or asteroid or whatever hits us because the government missed on shooting it down, we're done for.

  27. it depends...if there's something to look forward to, then yes

    but if today was pretty amazing, i wouldnt want it to end =]

  28. no not really. id actaully like to skip tommorow if thats possible

  29. Global warming is not a threat for OUr tomorrow literally speaking but our childrens tomortow.....

  30. yes i do but it will be worst than today.

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