
Do you care about winning the war in Iraq?

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To clarify for some, I probably should have asked do you care about winning the "war on terrorism" in Iraq?




  1. Yes, I don't want those who died to have done so in vain.

  2. Define "winning the war".  We've been invited to get the heck out of there by the country's government... seems like we ought to take the hint.

  3. Absolutely! Anyone who doesn't care about winning is a loser! It doesn't matter what it is. For those of you who wonder what we are fighting it is called Al Qaeda. Remember the World Trade Center? Al Qaeda did that. We started fighting them in Afgganistan. Now we are fighting and WINNING against them in Iraq. Ever heard of Al Qaeda in Iraq. That's why we are still there. Anyone who doesn't care about winning should be ashamed.  

  4. At this point, let's just declare "victory" (whatever that means) and bring our troops home.  After 5 1/2 years, unfathomable bloodshed, and trillions of dollars, it's time to rectify the most unimaginable miscalculation in our nation's history.    

  5. no not really

    i mean so many people are dieing for

    i just want to think leave iraq and focus on our schools and economic state instead

  6. i think its a little late for that  

  7. Yes, I don't want those nut jobs over here blowing up everything in sight because a wife or daughter decided to listen to music.  (gasp!)

    Then there would be an "honor killing" and the multiculturalists would be dabbing the tears from their eyes because of the wonderful "diversity" they just witnessed.  

  8. WIN? Define Win.

    What the h**l are we doing there. WE already Won, Stupid!  

  9. yes, i do i think everyone should care about winning the war i mean it is the whole USA and we should be proud of our state and support our troops weather we like the war or not. I think most adults care but kids (i am 13 and i care) really don't care so i just worry when all the kids are in their 30's how things will be.  

  10. No, we won MISSION ACCOMPLISHED) Bush May 2003

  11. Win what? What is the prize?

  12. Depends on what you mean by 'win'.  I care very much how that conflict is resolved.

  13. No, it's a whole lot of baloney all the way down the line.  Iraq has NOTHING to do with US security and never did.  It was all just a result of George Bush's maniac delusions.

  14. of course. The alternative is chaos.  

  15. yes was a very significant day i beleive....

  16. Been there, and we already won.

  17. Bush declared victory already.

    It is now nothing more than an occupation.

  18. I thought it was won? I could've sworn McPOW said that.

  19. No...I gave up on "winning" a long time ago.

  20. personally I just want it to end and have the issue resolved.I don't care about winning.I just want my friends and family to come home.

  21. we won the war about 5 years ago.

  22. So sick of the Iraq war...that war has put the USA economy in turmoil as well as pissing off all our allies.  Can we ever do anything for people here at home???

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