
Do you care for animals?if you do, please look at this.?

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i love animals! do you? do you know about puppy mills? do you know that pet stores get their puppies from puppy mills? do you know that many animals die each year from these puppy mills? please visit this website if you care about animals:

i did not know about these things until i went to this website. the video on the page called "Animal Cruelty" is really sad but it makes you realize the horrible things people do for money. please watch this video. and if you like the song on the video, it's called, No Bravery, by James Blunt.




  1. i Love animals But thats why i dont buy from pet stores And i only buy pit bulls  THey arent bred in puppy mills yet they get the worse treatment of all   i own six each a differnet color       im glad one more person knows about puppy mills

  2. (Tear) I couldnt even watch the whole thing! The saddest part about it is that most animals are cages up this way and nobody seems to care. The meat you eat is from animals locked up in similar ways. Cows they keep in cages so small they cant even turn there heads living in there own f***s and filth. Its disgusting. Thats why people should really buy dogs from shelters or rescues or even breeders, and people should buy there meat from local farmers.  

  3. I did not watch the video, simply because I see too many horrors on Animal Planet (and saw personally how the Amish breed dogs!); of the abuse and suffering these little dogs go through just so the 'breeders' can make a fast buck selling the puppies to either pet stores or innocent buyers.

    The Amish are famous for breeding dogs this same way, and even thought they have been caught and fined several times, they continue to do it.  Do not ever buy a puppy from any Amish or even a pet store.  Sure, they're cute and hard to resist when your child is crying and saying "Please Mommy?"; but resist you must.  Once these pet stores learn we won't buy their puppies, they will have to stop buying them from these awful breeders.  

    If you go to buy a puppy from an idividual from an ad or whatever, make sure you see both the mother and the father and how these puppies are housed.  If this is just a business to them and not  concern for where the puppy is going, then do a u-turn and do not buy, no matter how badly you might want a puppy.

    Go to your local shelter and see what they have to offer; and give a good home to a dog or cat that may be at the end of their time in these shelters.  Most times it's the 'mutts' and shelter animals that make the best pets anyway.  I truly believe these animals know you have literally 'saved their lives' and are so grateful they will be the best pets ever.  

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