
Do you care if a politician commits adultery?

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Do you care if a politician commits adultery?




  1. actually no. when you cheat that makes you a bad husband not a bad president or senator. bill cliton never kept it in his pants got impeached for it and meanwhile our country was safe, internationally well liked, in an economic surplus, and he served two terms so....besides its not like politicians aren't human and infailible.  

  2. I agree with Federali...But also like to add. When a high political figure gets tangled up with a female, just to satisfy his sexual appetites, and not knowing who really that person is, he could easily be exposed to blackmail. Therefore is not only a matter of a realtionship between consenting adults, is also a matter of national security  

  3. I don't approve of it, but it would not keep me from voting for a person.  I prefer to vote based on political issues rather than the personal life of a candidate.  At one time people would not vote for a catholic or for a person who had been divorced.  Now most people would not withhold that vote even if they did not approve of the candidate's religion or his having been divorced.

  4. Nope... its been going on since the dawn of time

  5. Yes, because it shows their base dishonesty - also their stupidity.  If you want to cheat, stay out of politics - you are putting yourself in the public eye and are being watched.  Everyday people can get away with alot more.

  6. Sure.  It makes me wonder if they'd be just as casual about their oath of office --  you know --  "preserve, protect and defend the United States from all enemies foreign and domestic" .. as they were about their marital vows about 'forsaking all others"  "in sickness and in health", etc.  Do all of their oaths matter, or just some of them?

  7. uh, yes, when you go around preaching "morality" like Edwards did, then yes, it means he is a monster for doing it while his wife is dying from cancer...what a friggin pig...take a look at these videos of edwards preaching morality and see if it doesn't bug you that he was fooling around with the woman holding the camera...go ahead, take a look...,2933,4006...

  8. I don't even care if I commit adultery.  I could never be a politician because the women I s***w are actually semi attractive.

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