
Do you care if your man watches p**n?

by  |  earlier

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when you're not there?




  1. I don't mind, but I also watch p**n.

  2. If you are bothered by anything your mate does, it's your own bad self esteem that is the main problem and your bad communication that is the next problem.

    If you can't trust him, fix your self first and then your ruptured relationship next.

  3. if my man wants p**n then he can have it, but not me too. he has a choice, because its disgusting and if i can't do it for him then he doesn't need me anyways!

  4. I do not care if he watches it with me or without me. I like to watch it too.  

  5. With me? Its ok

    If im away for a while for business? Still ok - I'm not there and he still has urges

    If I am in the other room, or at work or something? I don't like it - I feel like it is degrading towards me

    Have you spoken to him about it? If he knows it makes you uncomfortable but still does it, then thats showing a lack of respect towards your feelings and you need to have a talk

  6. Yes, I confess it bothers me. He and I watch together and all, but I know that he does when I'm not around. I'm not stupid.

  7. He can watch sure why not. We watch it together sometimes but its lame to me, completely fake. as far as masturbating, thats fine too as long as I'm not available, but when you choose that over me, well that gets me kinda upset.  

  8. Nope. He watched p**n before we met, I can't expect him to throw away his old habits just because I came along. Its not like its dangerous or anything. I mean, sometimes he wants his p**n time. Sometimes I want my p**n time. Sometimes we watch p**n together.

    I don't think it is that big of a deal until p**n becomes his whole life. My fiance could take or leave p**n. If there is nothing else to do, then he might watch some. But he doesn't come home from work all crazy and go straight to the p**n.

  9. Actually no I wouldn't mind.  If it was all day everyday then it would probably bother me.  If it's just here & there I see nothing wrong with that.  It's a little visual stimulation.  I'm not the type to say you can never m********e again in your life because you're married to me now.  I just don't like imposing rules like that.  I don't want it done to me.  And I watch p**n here & there too so who am I to judge?

  10. i don't, but he doesn't have time to watch p**n. he is working. maybe u should ask your bum to get a job

  11. Nah i don't care :]

  12. Yes,it doesn't feel good.

  13. Yep, I don't like it!  It is not a nice thing, nor do I want him turning outside of our marriage for fulfillment.  Maybe he is bored, and needs a little more or a change in the bedroom. Spice things up a bit and maybe his desire for watching p**n will subside.

  14. Yes it bothers me, but I've learned, from other men, that guys are just going to do that. There's pretty much nothing you can do to stop him so when you can't beat em join em. I've heard from other guys that if a guy can get his hands on some p**n he will. I've learned to pick my battles when it comes to this marriage thing!

  15. Yes i care a lot! I hate p**n in our house as it's twisted and it ruins marriages. Some people don't get addicted but who knows that you are not in the percentage for it to become an addiction and ruin your life??? It many times portrays false s*x scenes -it's staged -an act! I almost divorced my husband over it as it indirectly brings others into your relationship that don't belong there! It causes strain too and it unnecessary. Call me old and boring -i don't care.

  16. i have been where you are - and it does not feel nice hey

    i felt that i am being less of a woman to him - or that i dont do it for him - it felt that he was cheating on him - well confront the situation

    does he know how you feel when you do this ? let him know - surport him could not you like with my situation it was him - we got him into a surport group and go together and i was amazed that it was not onmy husband that has this addiction - its not us at all - i hate p**n and will ever watch it with my husband at all - if you feel the same way too then dont bend over back words please - be there and surport him he will need to want to help you help him first though - with me its week 3 in surport group and we giong strong our marraige feels so secure and safe and for the first time i caqn breathe - go to be when i want and not wonder whats taking him so long is he watching p**n ? no i trust and believe and we deal with this together - give it a shot u got nothing to loose - good luck  

  17. it's only p**n, don't over-react.

  18. My fiancé has watched and I know, it does not bother me but maybe that is because I know he only does it when he is hard and wants to “take care” of that himself because I am not around. Until recently we did not live together, we get married next month. However if he were to watch it when he could just come to me yes I would be very upset. Feelings are never right or wrong you feel what you feel and he needs to be as understanding of your needs as you are of his. I hope that the two of you can work something out. Good Luck and God Bless!  

  19. This isn't something that sophisticated, grown up, happily married men with satisfying s*x lives do, so if my husband started indulging in this schoolboy behaviour I would think he had lost the plot.

  20. Yes this bothers me and my husband knows it.

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