
Do you care that Sarah Palin's husband works for the largest oil company British Petroleum and raises oil tax?

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He works to raise oil taxes and give the green light to drill in Alaska for a living. Do you have any probs with that?




  1. Not at all. I'm upset the guy next door wont mow his lawn..I love Baloney.

  2. I'm all for drilling in Alaska.

  3. Wow!

    John McCain's VP choice is more shallow and superficial than Fox News reporting. McCain's VP choice is based on divisive gender politics - his only hope of winning in November is to persuade staunch Hillary supporters to vote for him based solely on the candidate's gender - rather than leadership.

    However, women who respect their own best interests will choose Obama and Biden who have a proven track record of standing up for women's issues - reproductive privacy, pay equity, freedom from violence and discrimination.

    Shame on you John McCain for putting your campaign before America's national security.

    Shame on you John McCain for putting this election before America's economic interests.

    Shame on you John McCain for demonstrating your lack of judgement.

  4. The green light SHOULD be given to drill in Alaska!

    Besides, according the AP, he is a blue collar oil worker

    "Her husband, Todd Palin, is part Yup'ik Eskimo, and is a blue-collar North Slope oil worker "

    You many not eat baloney, but you sure are eating crow, aren't you?

  5. I have no problem at all with that.

    If your only problem is what the future Vice President's husband does for a living, you need to get out more. I doubt very much that Mr Palin has much to say about the world market price of oil.

    Do you know what his actual job is with the oil company? Go look it up before making yourself look even more silly.

  6. No I do not--I have a  lot of problems with her, but that is not one of them.

    I am really answering to point out that BP is NOT the worlds biggest oil company.  Exxon is the world largest oil company and is in fact the world largest company.

  7. Do you care that Obama knows nothing about foreign policy and feels that Iran is nothing to worry about.  OR that he only stopped going to a radical, racist church when he was in the public eye.  OR that he makes empty promises that he will never have the means or funds to back?

  8. 1) BP isn't the worlds largest oil company, far from it. BP has a market cap is $180B in contrast Exxon Mobil is $419 Billion and Shell is $216B.

    2)He's a steel union worker in the oil fields. If you really think that an average Joe working on a rig has power.......WOW. He pays taxes not raises taxes.

  9. I fully expect some folks will try to make something out of that, but when you know more about her, you'll realize it just won't fly. For instance, I notice you conveniently ignore that she also has been very much an activist in exploring alternative energy sources AS WELL. In fact, she was elected by ALL the other governors to do a keynote at one of their energy conferences. Palin believes in a balance... that's her strength.  

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