
Do you care what people say about you?

by  |  earlier

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As a liberal feminist, I don't much concern myself with gender roles and expectations. No-one can make me do them, unlike formal inequalities such as unequal rights, lack of civil standing, etc.

So it seems to me that the only way things like double standards and negative gender stereotypes keep on going is because people still fear breaking the 'rules'. If s***s didn't care about being called s***s, or wusses not care about being called wusses, surely these beliefs would break down? So, do you care what people say about you, and what do you think about the cause / cure for unfair social standards? :-)




  1. Gazz - Yeah, I said I want some Chinese sausage.  You have?

    And, to answer your question, not really.  Like what some people here thought when I first started my s*x Fairy account... what a joke!  People e-mailing me right and left to change my name cause it was "too s**y".  s*x means gender, yeah?  But look, their sick little minds were in the gutter and tried to tell me what I should or should not call myself.  F*ck that!  People like that have no friends in real life.  Sad, very sad, eh?

    I believe in karma though.  If it's in a professional environment and my reputation is being questioned, I will defend myself.

  2. anytime somebody says something bad about you it's going to hurt.  if any dude or chick says they don't care they're lying.  but it doesn't matter.  when you believe you're right you've got to stick to your guns.  other people might not agree with you but at least they'll learn to respect you.  there'll always be people that don't like you no matter what.  but getting respect is more important.

    Gold digger:  you've got to be kidding.  you've got the thinnest skin of anyone here.  anytime anybody says something bad about you you run off crying and post some question whining about it.  "boo-hoo.  everyone hates me 'cause i'm so beautiful."  "boo-hoo.  everyone call me 'dumb' 'cause i'm blonde."  "boo-hoo.  everyone thinks i'm so stupid."  sheesh.  grow up.  you know how to dish it out but you sure can't take it.

  3. i care....but i dont let it get 2 me...but if someone is being mean to me behind my back it still hurts u kno?

  4. If it's true I don't really care.

  5. i dont give a d**n....who likes me will like me how i am, who dont like dont matter what i do will still dont like, so they can go to h**l


  6. no... i speak my mind...  an i no im right....   an i dont care wat any1 else says bout me....

  7. i care wat people say about me very much.

    help w mine plz?;...

  8. Only fools or liars say that they don't care what people think of them.  In a society, all power and success flow from how people perceive you.  I am guessing that you would like to be perceived as "someone who doesn't care what people think."  Unoriginal, but effective.  Look, in a society it is frowned upon to "force" people to do things through violence.  That only leaves one alternative; make them do it themselves through perception.  Trust me, if social perception really didn't mean anything, I would be out of a job really quick.

  9. As long as people have the guts to say it to my face I don't give a d**n .... life is too short to worry about other peoples perception of me. As long as I am happy with myself then that is all that matters.

  10. s***s are called s***s because men use s***s and s***s allow themselves to be used sexually.

    If s***s cared about being called s***s maybe they'd be less S****y?

    A wuss is someone who's too afraid to help other people, they're cowards. Would you want to be in a bad situation with a wuss?

  11. I don't care to much. But we all do, or should to some extent. What people hear before or after they meet you can affect how they think of you. Potential bosses, mates and or friends. It can take a lot of good P.R. to fix a bad reputation. I solve that by leading my life in a way that prevents people from being able to cast to much negative light on me. If you set the standard for yourself then no what others say doesn't matter to much and they will be less likely to have a reasonably believable negative to say about you.

  12. If someone close to me critises or questions me or my belifefs I would respect them enough to question it myself, it's not good to be egotistical or too proud. But I do not care what others think, as long as you aren't hurting anyone then your life is to live as you see fit.

  13. I'd be lying if I said I didn't care what people say about me. Although how much I care varies by who said it. For example, I would care a lot less about someones opinion if I did not like them.

    As far as titles such as "****" or "wuss" are concerned, I generally don't consider such labeling to be insulting. There is such little meaning behind generalizations like those. But people will always be people and we will continue to judge and label because it is our nature.

  14. well my heart now is as solid as a rock

    whatever u say 2 my left ear b sure it will leave from the right ear


  15. If they lie about me or misrepresent me, then I do care. If it's just dislike, then I couldn't care less.

  16. Not really.  

    I guess it depends on who says it.  I don't care what strangers think, that's for sure.

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