
Do you care what people think about you?

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Do you care what people think about you?




  1. It depends on the people.

    People I love and care about thoughts and opinions will always matter to me. And I don't mind criticism from these people. At least you know most likely they are being honest cause they actually know me to make some kinda judgement.

    If I don't know you its quite likely I won't care about what you think, your opinion of me is irrelevant...unless you're interviewning me for a job or something...then yeah....i'd like to probrably be on you good side.

  2. No, but I try to let my actions portray what kind of person I am.

    For example, for nearly 10 years I have been helping my elderly neighbors....going on the roof to do repairs, change furnace filters, taking out their trash cans, etc., whatever they need help with.

    Well, a few of my lazier neighbors think I do it because I 'want' something from the elderly couple. [It is because they are the type of people who cannot imagine anyone doing something nice for someone without an ulterior motive]

    The real reason I help them is that my parents taught me to be helpful, especially to people like the elderly couple who don't have the health to do many things, nor much money to hire people to do it. They had no children, and their nearest relatives [who visit when they can] live 800 miles away.

    So, I would say it matters to me that the elderly couple think I am a good person whom they can count on to help them, and that they should feel free to ask when they need assistance.

    However, at the same time I couldn't care less that the lazy neighbors think of me, or their reasoning of why I help the elderly couple.

  3. no i don't care what they think or say to me... I'm going to do what i want to do wear or what not reguardless!

    however if it is a friend i would listen to there advice but that's about it!

  4. no

  5. of course I care...

    I want to know if they want my attitude...

    I love friends!!

  6. I used to probably care too much.If you do that you end up worrying all the time about what others think about you, and that can damage confidence and self esteem.Then again going totally the other way and not giving a rats *** what people think can be concieved as arrogance.

  7. Depends who it is!

  8. Yes, I think a little piece of everyone cares, even those who will not admit it at times.

  9. Too much.  It sometimes stops me from acting in a way that is really ME.  I sometimes feel uncomfortable saying I like stuff I feel I "shouldn't" like, for example.  You would think being in my thirties I would have more confidence...  Not!

  10. For some reasons, I care, even though I know I shouldn't (the only people people that are around me are the idiots at school, their opinions shouldn't matter).

  11. Not in the slightest, I mean sometimes it hurts when people throw negative opinions about you, at you, but you cannot live your whole life trying to please everyone.

    Just be you and love who you are.

  12. Yes, but I fear to ask for their honest opinion.

  13. no,why what are they saying about me,tell me what did you hear, oh I really don't care

  14. people in general, no.  I'm going to be the best person I can be, if people don't like it, it doesn't matter to me.

  15. no because they can shove it up their asses if they don't like me

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