
Do you care what random strangers think of you on the street?

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Are you concerned with how you come across to people you don't know? Why does it matter if you don't know them and will probably never see them again?




  1. They may think about my clothes,which are quet simple at the moment ,jeans and t-shirts,so they don't have a chance to think eather positive or negative about them

  2. That would be a waist of time and thought.

    Most of the time we don't even notice people on the street.

    We have other things on our minds to think about.

  3. Not to the point that it would bother me, but I do want to present myself in a positive way.

  4. Not really - because I know that I can't control what they think .. and I also know that I won't do anything to offend them .. so - they will just naturally think, what they think  no matter what.

  5. ummm... you don't really know them so it shouldn't matter what they think! and if they do say something about you, you shouldn't really care cause they dont know u!!

  6. I wouldn't care because who cares what they think.

  7. No

  8. No, because most people don't even think of me at all or even bother to look at me. I am one of billions of people in this world.

  9. I don't think random strangers do think about me

  10. One point: I won't look like a target, I walk with my head high, eyes open. Second point: I might meet them again, I won't be remembered as a slouch or a fool. Third point: Yes, I do care about random strangers. I want them to think if I was considerate enough to care about them, they may return the favor.

  11. No I could care less what strangers think of me. I don't look like your typical person so I'm kind of "different" so when I come across strangers that have a bad attitude or are just being an a** I just ignore it and say F them lol. I've been dealing with it for maybe almost 17 years for now so at some point when I was younger I just stopped caring or never cared at all what strangers thought of me they don't matter just my family and friends lol

  12. yes. I'm a people pelaser so I always want others to like me

  13. i dont care personally what they think. but alot of people do because they are inseecure with themselves

  14. I know people are always going to think about other people, BUT yes I do think about random people on the streets. Don't get freaked out if poeple are looking at you it is normal...

  15. Nah. Fu*k em.

    *sticks pierced tongue out at strangers who dirty look me*



  16. I do. But that's because I want to be well liked. Then again, it's a confidence issue.

    I just sometimes see people on the street & ask my self "what are they thinking wearing that/ doing that?!" And I just don't want for people to ever have to wonder that about me.

  17. there are much more important things to think about than what strangers think of you. be more concerned about what family and friends think of you. that is something to care about

  18. I think they care as much about me as I care about them.

  19. No i dont care.

    If you dress and ack the way it makes you happy.wWhy should you care what people think of you..As long as ur happy with yourself.

  20. To be honest yea some times I do. I was a shy kid growing up and was very self conscious so I always worried about how the world viewed me, I was afraid of ridicule. I'm glad i grew out of that for the most part, I just walk down the street and as long as I like what I think about myself and like the way I look that is all that matters.

    I think it matters to some of us what people think of us because we do not want to be judged in a negative light. We hope that every one who comes in contact with us sees us for who we really are and sometimes get concerned with others not getting the right picture. No one likes to be misjudged.

  21. I am happy and I don't give a d**n what anyone thinks of me.

  22. h**l no!

    You cant change you, so live honest and be yourself.  If they don't like you without giving you a chance to speak then why care what they think.  consider them senseless!

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