
Do you celebrate your cats' birthdays with........?

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streamers, banners, balloons and a birthday cake with candles on?

I was just wondering if I'm just plain mad doing that (my eldest cat Izzy celebrated his 5th birthday yesterday -17/Aug), or is it a norm for us crazy cat people? :)




  1. I don't know the exact birthdate of any of my cats, though I know approximately when one was born.  (All were rescued in one way or another).  We have picked birthdays for all of them, and we have people cake and "cat" cake (salmon or tuna made into a cake shape).  My oldest's birthday is in September, and there's now a pet bakery in my town so I may splurge and get him a "store-bought" cake.  : )

  2. I don't know any of these guy's birthdays but we celebrate coming home days. I usually get everybody something really yummy to eat and a new toy. Give us a day or so and we'll all hop a plane and come join you! My bunch is great at acrobatics so we can put on a birthday show!  Seriously, Happy Birthday to Izzy. Our best wishes for many more!

  3. I love cats to but i think banners and candles are a bit over the top. Saying that if reincarnation is true id like to come back as you cat!  

  4. I am a crazy cat person too!

    But usually I just make a basket of new toys for my little kitty instead of a party.

    One cat owner I knew, threw a cat party with streamers, banners, balloons and a birthday cake, and the cat started hissing and it was very uncomfortable.

    I think if your throwing it, then make sure you are throwing it for your cat...not you!

  5. Well maybe I would.. but I don't know any of my cats birthdays. They were all strays rescued from here and there, 1 from the city and 3 from the back road where I live. I couldn't tell ya when they were born.  

  6. We don't do that.

  7. I throw a little party for my cat on her birthday- especially now because she is old and dieing :(. I have a can of cat food with her kitty kibbles pressed into it (she is on a special diet) and a little TINY bit of bacon bits. I get her a little mouse or something. My kitty Duchess is very special and important to me so celebrating her birthday is fine by me.

    A straight jacket for me? I probably don't need one yet.....though some say I am slightly strange.

  8. on my kitties birthdays i get them all a can of wet cat food each and give it to them, they normally only get dry food because of issues, but on their special day, they need a little something something too!

  9. That's fine, though I make my cats a special dinner (canned tuna, salmon, with catnip sprinkled on top!)

  10. i do that

    and i took picture of my cat with the cake and everything

    it's really fun

  11. i think its fine my family gets all my animals toys and treats on their birthdays and holidays like Christmas

  12. LOL! Seems a bit over the edge.... but i guess not if youre actually having people over for a party for him.

    Cats are family too!  =)

  13. I give my cats a can of wet food (they always eat dry) on their birthday they think wet food is the awesomist thing in the world

  14. when it one of 4 cats birthdays we get them some treats

  15. That's fine I guess but I wouldn't do that.

    My aunty bought a whole bag of cat's toys for her cat on christmas and when the cat opened it (with a bit of help) she just went straight for the paper and never touched her toys.

    I went to hug my cat and she attacked me like a murderer so I asked her , 'I pay to save you and you attack me!!!!!'. I dont think my cat will know what im doing if I put balloons, streamers, banners everywhere. She'll probably think that creatures have overtaken her territory or something. Thats my cat tho, Im sure your cat will be happy :)

  16. its fine lol!!!!!

  17. Ye, thats fine!  

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