
Do you cheat on board games, like monopoly?

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i caught a friend dipping into the bank. i sent him to jail.




  1. Cheating spoils any game, and I never do it. I have never seen the point to it, as it ruins the game for all the players who obey the rules.

  2. I do cheat. If u never get caught, then u will be always remember as someone who is very good in playing this game. Is just like same in the real world, If by some cheating u can get a lot higher than other, and u r not caught. Tell me the truth will u enjoy the honour and the riches envious by all that r below u. until u r old and is about to die, only then u will think cheating is not good, and u will donate a lot to make urself feel better. Just look at all the famous and rich people who donate their money, R U ENVIOUS, BUT DID THEY CHEAT?

  3. in my house if u arent payin attention then thats ur own dumb fault for it. i was taught by my dad.

  4. Ha!

    honestly i have to say yes but it's sort of group cheating(everyone takes an extra couple of dollars) when someone (the rest of the players) leave the room!!

    there was also this one time where i was playing with my two bros and me and 1 of them stole some other the others property land just to see if he'd notice(he didn't and we told him at the end!!)

  5. well i wouldn't call it cheating but my friends and i have been known to bend rules

  6. you kick the person out of the game

  7. If you have to cheat so you can win to make yourself feel better, I feel sorry for you.

  8. No i don't cheat, i think it really spoils a game if you do. I know I found out that someone had spotted my friend cheating with the dice and throwing it so no-one could see it then if it was good he would keep the throw and if it was bad he would take the go again. I didn't notice it but when i found out after i was really annoyed! It just meant that he beat lots of people who had been playing fairly.

  9. haha im  not going to lie i do every once in a while

  10. Haha, good for you. I don't cheat though, i'm pretty good at that game

  11. It depends on whether Im playin w/ friends/family, or just "others" that I barely know....I tend to "joke around" and cheat that when no ones "lookin" I tend to steal alittle money out of the "banker part" of "monopoly" just to see if anyone notices or all just "in fun"....But if I am playin a board game w/ people Ive just met..I tend to keep to my Ps and Qs..and play the "games" honestly, But Alot different happens..when they "get to know me"...Im a real "jokester" at all of it..Because It Outta just be "Fun" for the "h*** of it, and not a "total Contest"...of whom can "just win first place" take care, Hun, God Bless you..Lol,TC<KLHugzU>

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