
Do you check the pockets of your clothes before putting them in washing machines or giving them for laundry?

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Many times some important papers, watches, money etc is left in the pockets.....have you experienced this?




  1. That's a romantic thought. I hardly ever do and usually end up with laundered money and I've even washed my cell phone. Luckily it worked once it dried out.

  2. Yes i have. After not checking the pockets and clothes were put in dryer with crayons I learned to always check before washing.  Crayon really make a mess.

  3. i always check the pockets especially my husbands there is  always money in his trouser pockets .i pop it in a jam jar then there is always some change for the kids when they want some.

  4. I should have learned my lesson by now, but I'm always in a hurry and am still ending up with candy paper, gum,coins and globs of tissue. I had a banging in the dryer and looked to find my hubbys small pocket knife. Starting today I resolve to do better.

  5. I check my own pockets and request my hubby to check his before putting in the dirty clothes basket. We do occasionally end up with washed tissues, money, checks, etc, though.  

  6. I try to check them before they go in the basket, but don't always remember. Tampons are the absolute worst as they leave fluff all over the clothes.

  7. I always check the pockets!! So many things have gone through my washer that I finally decided I would just take the extra time to do it. A have a jar on my dryer and everything goes into it. If my family is missing something they look in the jar. If chapstick or anything along those lines go through the wash it will ruin all of the clothing, or make them look horrible! It is defn worth the extra time.

  8. Yes yes yes! and I wish Hubby did! :D  I hate the shredded tissues, receipts, and paperclips. YUK!! I keep telling him to clean out his pockets before it goes into the basket. Maybe he's got shredded tissue in his ears because he apparently doesn't hear me!  

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