
Do you check the weather before you ride or do you just brave it no matter what?

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do you only ride during nice weather??




  1. during the winter I check to see how cold it is so I know how much gear I will need to put on for the ride, anything under 40 degrees I know I need to put my jacket liner in and to wear my leather chaps with winter gloves to be comfortable

  2. I like most, check the weather to see what gear I need, then ride anyways...but also like most I would prefer, about 75, no wind, and sunny....but can't have that all the prepared, and have fun.

  3. I look at the daily forcast and decide from there. If it is a distance I look at the regional radar before leaving so I can better prepare for what MAY happen. We have lots of thunder and lightening around here and that ain't real safe to ride in.

  4. Yeah I'm a fair weather rider for sure when it comes to the road. Off road, the more slop the better, but I just don't enjoy road riding in the elements. Of course where I live there is always at least a 20% - 30% chance of rain in the summer so it's always a bit of a gamble. But yes, I check every morning I plan to ride to work.

  5. You make it sound like you actually know of a dependable weatherman (woman)!  

    They all suck - so simple solution

    1) ride every day

    2) keep the rain gear in the saddlebag

    As we speak it was suppose to be clear skies and 80 degrees here in southern New England - in weatherman speak that translates to severe thunderstorms and flooding.

    rain gear - it's more dependable than a weatherman!

  6. If I am out riding just for fun, I will check the weather and keep my bike in the garage if rain is in the forecast. If I am on a scheduled ride, I ride no matter what the weather. I am also prepared for it. I rode from Maryland to Texas in the rain. No fun but I had no choice.

  7. I check the weather THEN brave it no matter what. Don't mind bad weather just want to know.

  8. living in central florida this time of the year you deffinately have to check the radar or your going to get stuck in some nasty storms , but have ridden through massavie lightning storms ,.and hail and have ridden with tornados in the area

  9. i ride no matter what, but i check the weather to decide if i'm wearing a beanie or a full face.... and whether to throw the tbar bag on with my chaps and gauntlets in it onto the bike

  10. I check the weather, and if the chance for rain goes over 60% i'm usually disenclined to ride...

    riding is just more fun in nice weather... I have ridden through rain, but if i'm just riding through rain all day, then it's not much fun...

  11. Some people say that if you don't ride in the rain you're not a real biker.

    Well I live in North Carolina where the people drive like Jack-A55es. When it rains they drive worse. I'd be a fool to get on the road with these morons who never check their mirrors, never signal, and always do 10 to 15 miles below the speed limit in the fast lane.

    If I was already out and it started raining then oh well I just gotta wait it out. I work hard to buy nice clothes and look good. I don't want to ride in the rain. That doesn't make me less of a rider.

    If I had a piece of c**p dump truck bike that I was always wrenching on anyways and wore dirty scrub looking clothes and looked like I hadn't bathed in 4 days, then I would ride in the rain all the time too.

  12. I check to weather to determine if I need my rain gear or not.

    I find that riding in inclimate weather makes me a safer and better rider.

  13. I check the weather to make sure I dress for a comfortable ride.

  14. It is a good idea to check the weather, I hate braving the weather.  I would personally prepare for the weather even if the weather is nice..

  15. The first 6 wks after I got my first bike, it rained EVERY time I went out (so often that my personalized license plate reflects that experience).

    I prefer not to go out into rain to ride, but if I'm riding and get caught in the rain, "oh well" (I do keep rain gear on the bike). It happens...dry and un-cold are definitely my preference though. ☺

  16. Definitely have to check the radar. The weather gets pretty extreme where I live. If the radar looks like the storms will be a few hours out we go anyway.

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