
Do you choose the major you like or the one that makes more money???

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i've always dreamed of being an architect but my uncle tells it doesn't make alot of money and you should choose another major

i thought about studying business but still i don't wanna be something i don't like just for money

what do you think should i choose a major that makes more money or the one i like?

in my opinion i think i should choose what i like because i'll be loving my job

what do you think?




  1. I think everyone should choose what he likes

    because what you choose now is what's you're going to deal with the rest of your life

    If you're going to choose something that you don't like I'm sure you won't be creative as if you've chosen what you like

    Imagine yourself ten years from now

    what major do you feel more like

    and can imagine yourself in

    If you won't be an architect are you going to regret and always look up at the architects ??

    that's what I've got :)

  2. I will choose the major I like; there is a Chinese proverb that says "find a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life."  So go after what you really like.  Good Luck!

  3. There are tons of architectures that make plenty of money, if this is what you truly love to do then maybe you have what it takes to be the top few you.  It's about what you love, how can you do well in something that you are not interested in?  

  4. If you want to be an architect, go for it. Don't let your uncle chase down your dreams. Personally I'm a computer scientist but I've always thought that architecture would've been a good alternative career. Besides, when your uncle says architects don't make a lot of money, he's wrong - they make an average of $64,150 and job growth is "faster than average": I'm pretty sure that's more than what undergrad business degree holders get.  

  5. architects can make the same money as doctors or lawyers =your uncle is wrong

  6. Always go for something you like.  Happiness isn't bought with money.  Although you can buy things that make you happy. BUT....having a job you enjoy makes all the difference because working SUCKS.  And you have to do it to survive.  So if you have to work, you might as well be doing soemthing you enjoy, right?

  7. the first thing I thought was ,

    How much do you love money?


    remember that money rules

    and put some away in gold

    !!!! your uncle is right !!!!

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