
Do you clip your birds' wings?

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I was just wondering what people do most often. Please let me know what kind of birds you have, if they are clipped, why/why not, and how tame they are/how much time they are outside of the cage. (I don't mean if you personally do it, just if you have it done.)




  1. I have Cockatiels and a macaw and none of there wings are clipped the macaw is very tame and only some of my cockatiels are tame and they are out of the cage most of the time except when I'm not home

  2. As long as I don`t open doors they are out of their cage all day and than at night I put them back in I never clip their wings


  4. Yeah. The whole wing. Stupid birds think they are special just because they can fly... How does that feel?! Those feathered oafs...

  5. I am owned by a rescued Greenwing Macaw, whom I love dearly.

    YES, I clip his wings. BUT ONLY SLIGHTLY.

    If it weren't for the fact that I take him with me EVERYWHERE (with a harness, birdsuit, & leash..) I would never clip his wings. However thats not the case. So for his safety & mine..they get clipped a LITTLE bit.

  6. It baffles me how anyone can clip a birds wings, I think it is very very bad/wrong.  The distinguishing feature of a bird, what makes a bird a bird is its wings - the ability to fly.  To remove that from a bird is to take its birdness away.  It is like taking the meow from a cat, no it is worse it is like taking the brain out of a human being.  

    And to say "it knows no better because it is done when it is a baby and knows no other" is a stupid excuse.  If that is true then it is OK to beat a child "because it knows no other, it has been abused since it was born." Further, how would anyone know whether a bird "misses" its wings or not? Common sense says that it would and if someone doesn't know then they shouldn't risk it.  

    People who clip birds wings are some combination of heartless and dumb.

    (I'm not directing this at the asker, you did not say that you do it and you said your birds have wings - good for you.)

  7. well i do wen it gets supper long cuz they're not really tamed n i like to let them out of there cage sometimes to stretch there wings

  8. The first bird that I had I clipped the wings(budgie) and he was the least tame.  I could not ever hold him.  After that I had a Cockatiel, Indian Ringneck, and Pineapple Conure.  The only time the wings were clipped was when I brought them home-I never clipped them after.  I would have prefered them to have never been clipped, but the breeders that I went to always would clip them.  The Ringneck would be out of his cage almost all the time.  He liked to climb on the outside of the cage on his tree.  The Conure and Cockatiel is out about 4 hours a day, they love to eat with us.  We do take our birds outside, but we put a harness on them.  It took the birds a little time to get use to it, but once they knew that the harness meant that they would go outside it was easy.  We have never had a problem with the birds flying into things.  They actually fly very well and very accurate.

  9. Yes my military macaw wings are clipped because he became destructive we don't cage him because we think that is cruel but we do the wings to correct a problem that can be harmful to him too, it only lets him know his boundaries and they can easily grow back when we think he is ready he already has free rome of the house if he wants to but he has to much fun with his toys and swing and perch that he hardly leaves.     We also have a nanday that is crippled and he had his clipped too because if he goes any high in a tree then he did last time l may not be able to get to him and he may be stuck in a situation for predators.

    Wing should always be clipped so that a bird can safely glide to the floor never drop like a rock...

  10. i did when i had my birds but i dont remember how often i'll ask my mom when she gets off work then i'll tell you

  11. Yes my bird get's its wings clipped because it grows soo much that the wings overlap, and its uncomfortable for her and so that it won't get hurt when I let it out. I have a female blue budgie and I let her out a few times a week, about twice or more. She lets me hold her, feed her, and pet her but gets a little scared sometimes. Even though some people think that clipping the bird's wings is bad or something, it makes them much safer, comfortable and easier to tame. Good Luck with your birds.  

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