
Do you come to GWS to make friends or ...?

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(plagiarized from Andieiam, alas no longer with us.)

Do you come to GWS to make friends?

Or to find out how the opposition thinks?

Or to justify your own beliefs?

What are your reasons or were you just bored?




  1. I came to voice my opinion.

    The backbone of society is the family and when it goes, society goes downward. I believe that women should vote, get an education, and work (until they start a family. More on this below).

    The only time a child should be seperated from their mother within at least the first three years of the child's life is if there are economic reason to work (money to pay for necessities: housing, food, transportaion, and not wants:electronics, vacations, and self satisfaction) or the mother isn't mentally stable enough to properly care for the child.

    Women who work for want and not need within at least the first three years after giving birth or women that aren't stable enough to care for their child are conscious incubators. Calling them mothers would be like calling a man that runs away from his children a father.

    The mother-child bond is the most benficial thing for a child. Studies prove this. It is ignorant and destructive to society for feminists to place a value on a priceless thing like the mother-child bond.

    People might think I am a misogynist after reading what I post. I am not. I just mock the feminists ideology of the family and social responsibility with the real world results that are as dark as possible.

    The problem that feminists have a different philosophy towards life. They follow atheistic, consequentialist, and to a degree, Marxist philosophies (Second wave,second generation feminist was influenced by Marxism. In the Feminine Mystique, Frieden uses an entire portion of an essay by Frederich Engels, an associate of Karl Marx. Simone de Beauvoir was a member of the French Communist party.) The mashing together of so many different philosophies creates a paradox. I follow deontological philosophy, specifically the philosophy of W.D. Ross.

  2. Andieiam was a true *****...more then a little glad she is gone.

    I came b/c i got bored....however stayed b/c I made a lot of friends from all sides.

  3. i come here to see if there are any questions I am interested in answering.  if there are, then I do, and if there aren't, then I don't.

  4. friends? thats questionable...

    i come because im bored...and to sometimes be a complete obnoxious @ss.

  5. It depends, I'm volatile.

  6. I just want people to see that NOT ALL single mothers are scum of the earth. NOT all want to hunt men down and "make them pay " many are hard working moms. I would LOVE to stay with my daughter. she is MY life. but I need to support her. so she can eat and have a roof over her head.

    We spend lots of time with each other. we play, I read to her every night. we take long walks play at the park. but I do have to work. but my daughter comes FIRST now and always. and if the time comes when she needs me more then I need to work like when she was sick i stayed home with her. she Is the MOST important person in my life.

    Also I would like to show there are good fathers out there they need support also. they need to know people care about them and their kids. and also show that men can be victims of DV. my dad was proff of that. so I guess I just want to show that there are good single moms out there we are NOT ALL scum. and there are great dads out there also. God Bless

  7. Total boredom and I love being totally blunt with my answers...esp in GWS where everything is taken soooo seriously..... lol at Aoi Roze's answer

  8. I come to talk and flex my debating muscles.  Its amazing how bizzare some other peoples views are, so there is an element of entertainment as well.

  9. depends on the day really...

    today, i'm a little bored.

  10. I come because there are so many posts that make me howl with laughter, both from the feminists and from the p***s-wielding oppressors.  People can be so funny in their posts.  Sometimes it's unintentional, of course.  But in any case it's a riot!

  11. To share information on and learn about feminism.

  12. To combat feminism

  13. i come to pick up chicks.

  14. Being friendly is always comes in handy in a public place such as this; can't always make friends.

    How the other side thinks? Of course the world doesn't always go according to Laela.

    Justify my own beliefs? I have from time to time.

    Was I just bored? No. This place can be very interesting.

  15. I'm certainly not here to make friends, find out how "opposition" thinks, or justify my own beliefs.

    I just flip through the categories that I actually know something about (physics, math and engineering) then go on to mildly entertaining categories that I know little about, like this one.

    Once in a whle I write something.

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