
Do you come to the poetry section for fun?

by  |  earlier

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I come here daily for fun and relaxation, and also to learn. NOT to insult and go on ridiculous rants. I resent being accused of name calling or any other negative behavior.

This is a fun site with a lot to offer. Why can't people just go with the flow and enjoy it?




  1. You said it all, Reenie!

  2. No.  I come to learn from the masters!

  3. I come here to interact with other writers, give feedback that might help create stronger poems, and read good work.

    (I like Bob's answer a lot).

  4. Ma'am, yes ma'am. Fun, learn, give, receive, question, answer. I get all that here. tra la tra la tra la

  5. I find myself picking over my own stuff wondering if I should post , and wait for some kid to say it sucks when he hasn't a clue whata poem is. I know that I'll take a few arrows and live with it. For the first time in my life I've started counting syllables and trying to be less free form; I find I get more respect for my work. Sometimes I feel I've really done good work only to see one or two responses. I never see anybody in poetry get more than 20.  I have a desire to be better.  I know due to this experience I am better than when I started. I wanted to say this because I think by being here and exposing ourselves to everyone that we will get better.... How good I am at this only time knows.  I do enjoy this place ... I am here to have fun and I try to either be constructive or witty, but never condescending; anyway like I told someone else somebody is paying attention.   me (smile)

    to Lano: I don't need you, I don't, want you, and I hope you put me on your ignor list. Your words are destructive and condescending. I read them and come away empty.  I don't know how I can make that any clearer. You usually take a cheap shot at someone and wait for them to get upset and then you laugh and think it's cute... I know what lanoed means ...  "I've been pooped on"...

    ...not that anything I say will  make a difference, if anything  it will probably fuel a flame because this is the kind of eviornment of which you thrive. This is all said more for others than you;  I won't say anymore of this subject to you or anyone else. After all it was me that called you a coward and you that  emailed me.

    I am not better than you... and I'm not making a law.. it's only a simple request.... this has nothing to do with your abilities and everything to do with your attitude. Peace

  6. i come here to the poetry to learn more about emotions and feelings around me. we as people all have differnt emotions and when we read certain words in certain orders it alowes us to learn more. i love to feel all emotions. i like to read oters writing because every poem is a gift from god. it is quite amazing how it works... emotions i mean! so to answer  your question well .... yes i do come for fun and to learn! :)

  7. Alright...stand up...I am going to let you have it!

    Wait though...need my right back!  lol

    To smile, a wondrous gift

    to laugh,  food for soul

    to enjoy each other,

    the ultimate gift.

  8. "Hi!",

    Exactly what Bob M said.

    I am hear for fun and to learn poetry. I wrote my first poem at 16 and have never wrote another one until this year and I am 27. I only just begun poetry and I am trying to teach myself different forms of poetry. I like to try new things and would like to try all forms at least once. Even the boring ones. It's great to get honest critiques as they can high light your faults. My saying is... You can only become a better poet, when you receive an honest critique.

    Cheers : )

    Dear Lano.....

    Hear I thought you had grown some intelligents. you are quite smart and you know it, It is a shame you waste your Glial Cells and turn them to glia, becauase as I said before youso  could use them for more constructive purposes. I don't know what happened between you and 'Reenie', I could only just prosume from your much loved charm that you display. As for the subject of (Elyslunds poetry ). I wouldn't let her get to you. I have never critiqued her poetry ever and she has already blocked me, so obviously she has taken something I said to someone the wrong way. As Elaine said to me.. you can't impress everyone. I am now also blocked by one other guy now because I wrote a good morning Peom and he thought it was a waste of a post. Everyone has the right to have their opinions. Obviously I would like to know what I have said or done to Elyslund considering I have never spoken to her before both in reality and cyber space, but I am not going to loose sleep over it and obviosly if she has taken one of my jokes the wrong way and didn't like it, she did the best thing she could of done and blocked me. I think who ever has blocked you, you have obviosly anoyed in some form of way. If you know who they are, you may wan't to contact them and sppek and sought it out as an adult rather than a child because it is turning into a (*****-festeva!). I am another person who comes here for fun and I get quite a laugh from people like Neonman and TD and quite enjoy their poetry, I certainly have learnt a bit by people like Neonman and think he could teach you a thing or too, If you get off the almighty!I don't know what your problem is with (Elyslunds good morning poetry) I have seen them once or twice but never left a comment. aswell as other people and I quite love the good morning poems, I think as I said to the other bloke who blocked me (LIGHTEN UP!) Obviosly if you don't like (Elyslunds good morning poetry) than don't view it. And If she has already blocked you, she is doing you a favour so you don't have to worry about viewing her Good Morning Poem. Neonman didn't have a crack at you because he didn't like what you said, he had a crack at you as you didn't have anything valid to say. sometimes I have noticed you don't say anything or give advice about someones poem you just come by and leave a comment such as, (YOU HAVE BEEN LANOID) Which I am sorry to say is Lame but, I have seen you come on another of my post and leave a valid and impressive critique which not many have seen from you.

    Use your brain, Got something valid to say, than say it. otherwise don't say anything and there is no need to be mean to people.

    Cheers : )

  9. I come here to RELAX answer some QUESTIONS  if I can,,,,Enjoy the poetry of EVERYONE... I ENJOY Elyslunds poetry And look foward to Her Good Morning Posts==I'm sorry Reenie,,, My answer is directed at Iano=

    I'm more interested in posts like that From Elyslund  then SOMEONE QUOTING the GUIDELINES like the HOLY BIBLE  Whose poetry is filled with street language ...YOU are the ONE with the problem ......Get OFF your HIGH HORSE And LEAVE these GOOD PEOPLE  ALONE !!!,,,,,,,,,FINAL EDIT,,,,,,,,,

    Your right I used neonmans line ,,,WHY?? It was appropriate that's why,,,YES I Blocked you ,,,,I DON"T LIKE YOU !!! You come here & Belittle & HURT people,,, LOOK at your edit towards me ,,,,Calling ME names ATTACKING ME !!! And stop trying to use THE BIG WORDS ,,,you'll only HURT yourself ,,,,Go ahead keep using them... As far as your "street language poem" I didn't put it down ,,,,I just didn't care for it ....As far As ELYSLUND'S Good Morning Poems Go ,,,I look forward to those good morning poems Just like Alot of others do ....Alot more than What you could produce,,,,,,,,Your TuTu must be Too Tight or something  I'll let you continue being the QUEEN that you are !!! I Am Done With You ,,,,,,,,,,,POST THE E-MAIL....FOR EVERYONE TO READ ...LET'S SEE THE ABUSE YOU TALK ABOUT........OK??.......

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